Friday, April 29, 2022



If you asked Jester Chao where he went when he was teleporting, he would simply laugh at you. How would you describe a place that was everywhere, yet nowhere? It did what it needed to do. That was enough. Asking more just went against the proverbs of stage magic!

Yet, when he stepped through, he was aware that others sometimes did as well. Who? How? He didn't care. What they did didn't bother him. 

Though it was a different story when they collided with him during a step across space. The interference causes the two of them to fall out. Jester Chao lands and bounces, looking around. He'd never been, but somehow, he instinctively knows. Porphyion. The planet the Kobbers had once been on.

Sitting there, next to him, and rubbing her head, is a woman. A strange woman with red and blue hair, and a bizarre hood atop a yellow shirt. "Owww. Watch where you're-"

She looks at Jester Chao. She stops. Jester Chao looks at her.

"Wanna hear a joke?"

She just continues to stare at him. Jester Chao pauses for a second. "Well. What do you call a-"

"Columbina!" she says with a smile on her face. For the first time in a long time, he's taken back. The strange woman stands up, bounds over, and shakes his hand. "Ahhhh, to meet you! The centerpiece of a wonderful play!" 

Jester Chao floats up, looking at the woman. The reference to the harlequinade was an odd one, but he could play along. "And would that make you Harlequin?"

"No, non, nyet!" The woman twirls and curtsies. "You may call me Pierette! For that is my name! Or so I believe. It is the name I've had for as long as I remember!"

"And how long is that?"

"Two years!"

Ignoring her odd comments, Jester Chao floats over to perch on her head. He does a twirl of his own. "What does your hood hide?'

"My secrets and tricks!"

"What is your mystery?"

"A strange one!"

"Which card did you draw?"

"All of them!"

Seemingly satisfied with the incomprehensible answers to the incomprehensible questions he asked, Jester Chao backflips off her head and lands in his hand. "A wonderful day! Would you like to be an apprentice?"

"Alas, dear Columbina, I am merely Pierette. If I were to be Harlequin, it would be a different matter!"

"Understandable! Truly, have a nice day. I look forward to our next meeting."

"As do I, my fair!"

With that, a storm of confetti surrounds Jester Chao. He is gone in an instant, leaving Pierette alone with her thoughts. And his. For by the time Jester Chao arrives where he is going, he has no memory of this bizarre encounter.

Pierrette sighs as she tucks away the card in her hands, the one now containing Jester Chao's memories of this chance meeting. "Ahhh, Columbina! Truly, do I wish we could have traveled together!

But alas, now is not the time. We shall meet again, for jesters should always meet."

She bows, before simply stepping out of sight behind a tree. If someone were to be watching her, and checked behind said tree, they would see no one and nothing. For this strange clown had also departed Porphyion.

After all, everything was bound to happen in Agama.


1 comment:

  1. You know someone's bad news when Jester Chao can have a coherent enough conversation with them.
