Saturday, April 23, 2022

Shades of Rough


 It had taken her a long time to make it here. To the place only spoken of in legend. Piecing together the information, she had learned that this being was the archenemy of the legendary spirit himself. Sealed away in a past encounter, and bound to this location.

But here, underneath the legendary location itself, on the edge of Scotland, it had lain in wait. The being was patient. And its patience was rewarded, when the one who had sealed it was banished by another. With his power cut off, the explorer could reach the being once she had figured out where and what it was, along with the other person who had joined her.

And for that reason, she stands in front of it. Or in front of the three devices that bind it, at least.

"And all I have to do is break these?"

Indeed. Simply snap all three over your knee, and everything will be as it should be. The voice echoes throughout the cave, without being spoken from a true source.


The man next to her looks around nervously. "I really don't think I should be here. At least not without a couple employees-"

"Save it! Remember the humiliation? Remember the mockery on live TV?" Now properly riled up, the woman grabs one of the three devices and snaps it over her knee with a practiced motion. There's a rumble in the underground cave.

She tosses the second to the man, who nervously places one end under his foot and pulls the other end up, wincing when he hears it break - and wincing again as a second, louder rumble arrives. The woman looks at the last device.

"This is it... the last barrier between me and a second chance. One that isn't going to be ruined by some infernal morons!" With a yell, she brings down the last device, and watches it shatter. There's a loud chuckle, and a third rumble.

Thank you very much for your help. You will be rewarded in due time.

"What- what do you MEAN due time!? I thought you meant NOW!"

All things in time. There are actions I must undertake first. Such as ensuring there is no chance Colonel Bogey will trouble me again.

There's one more laugh, and then the presence that filled the cave vanishes, as far as they can tell. The man looks down at the broken wood, broken iron, and broken putter that had sealed the strange golf-related spirit away, and then back to his companion.

"I just think this might have been a bad idea. I'm still as mad about the Kuwahawi Open as you are, but..."

"Tch, of course it was a bad idea! But do you have any better ones? Other than wallowing around in failure forever? Don't think so!"

Bambietta Basterbine sprints up the ancient stone steps, followed by the Pointy-Haired Boss, as the two of them emerge into the sunlight on the Royal and Ancient Golf Course of St. Andrews. There's no change. No trace of the spirit that had been sealed beneath the course by Colonel Bogey.

That, on some level, was the most worrying thing of all.

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