Monday, April 18, 2022



Space is vast. An empty void with the occasional planet dotting its abyss, and even with the advances in technology establishing colonies around various planetless stars, it was still wide and open. This was the reason for the Galactic Federation Station Initiative, space stations set in the larger gaps. Relay points that anyone could aim at and take a break at.

Even though some people referred to them derisively as interplanetary truck stops, they were still appreciated by most of the spaceworthy people of the Federation. And that's why Samus Aran lands on Space Station 14 with a relieved sigh. She'd been in the Federation for a few months, only to learn that the plans for an experimental new line of exploration robots had been stolen. And the theft was suspected to be connected to the recent sightings of Sylux.

She'd also heard about Blood Falcon being released from a Federation prison. That just didn't make sense... there was likely something more. And if there was something more, there was one place to go.

But, it was a while yet to reach Earth, that planet that seemed to be a focal point for the strangeness of the galaxy. And so Samus was walking around, relaxing, and otherwise taking a break. Looking around at everyone there. Until her eyes set on one person who shouldn't be there - shouldn't be anywhere, for that matter.

The hair was different. The expression, different. Harder. But there was enough there that Samus could tell who it was. She turns in surprise, and tempers her shock, able to speak with only some confusion coming through.

"Ian? Ian Malkovich?" 

The man looks up in surprise, which only grows when he sees who's talking to him.

"Samus! Of all the places! I can't - how long has it been?" 

Samus just crosses her arms. "First, you need to explain how you're even alive." Ian had been lost in a ship incident, years and years ago... Samus could still remember the last time she saw him.

Cheerful and ready to go. And then, the accident. Sure, the body had never been found, lost to the void of space, but... it seemed odd. Especially the unexpected meeting.

"Ahahaha... no friendliness for an old friend? Your mentor's brother?"

"Answers. Then friendliness. I've been through enough traps in the past."

"Alright, alright. So. You thought I was dead after the ship's damage, right?"

"Correct. We tried to get you out of there, but by the time we got to that section, the whole thing was empty. No air, no integrity... how'd you survive?"

"Barely." Ian says, with a sheepish look on his face. "Grabbed a life support capsule when I realized it was about to blow. Locked myself in, and drifted for a while. Eventually got picked up by a Federation unit. 

They said this was a unique opportunity. They wanted me to work undercover. Being killed in action made me a great off-the-record infiltrator, and meant I didn't have any connections or paper trail. Eventually they let me go, and... well, here I am nowadays."

"...Heh. Some of the things this damn government has pulled." Samus shakes her head. "Guessing you didn't have much of a choice in the matter?"

"Well, I could have taken my little pod and tried to find my way back to civilization."

"Didn't think so." Now that she's starting to understand Ian's mysterious return, Samus begins to let her guard down. Slowly, the conversation turns to catching up on what happened between now and then. On future plans and past adventures. Ian even mentions that he's heading for Earth as well, on track for these plans stolen from the Federation, and an agreement to help out is reached. But, jokingly, not too much - they can't risk splitting the reward money!

Regardless, Samus's break is soon over. Far more cheery than she was when she arrived, she departs for her ship. Soon, an orange streak blazes out from the space station, followed soon by one of blue...

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