Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Legacies Left Behind


"Weehhhhhh..." comes the annoyed noise from one Mononobe no Futo. The devoted follower of Miko Toyosatomimi, Futo had vowed long, long ago that no matter where the Prince went, she would follow. It was just that sometimes, it wasn't the most pleasant place to go.

Slicing another vine out of their way with a machete, Miko Toyosatomimi forces her way through the jungle. She wasn't really sure of the exact location of where she was going. It had been far too long since she'd actually been in Agama. She had completely forgotten it,one of the incidental details of her past life as Prince Shotoku that had drifted out of her mind upon her return.

And yet, seeing a report by Kennedy Wilson had provoked long buried memories. Now, all she could do was confront them in person, and hope that the one responsible wasn't too angry with her for how long she had forgot. Futo, on the other hand, just seemed excited... when not exhausted by jungle wading, that is.

"I know your horse is the coolest horse ever, but is she really worth it?"

"It's my responsibility. If she's running wild, then I need to calm her down. And considering the power of that kick, it's a genuine threat if I don't."

Before the two of them can take more time to think, there's a loud cracking noise. A tree flies overhead, crashing somewhere in the forest. Miko simply nods sagely. "I think we're in the right area."

"Then let's get ready for it, Prince!" Futo states, before leaping out in front of Miko to find a small clearing. It's not natural - that much is obvious from the stumps and the footprints on the ground. And within that clearing, turning around to face the two who enter the copse...

Saki Kurokoma, the legendary pegasus, stands there. She kicks at one of the stumps, delivering enough force to knock it into the sky as Futo confronts her.

"So, a challenger, huh? I've been waitin'! Nobody's come by yet. I was gettin' tired!"

"Ha-cha! Allow me to prove myself, Prince!"

"There's no need for that."

Walking forward, Miko looks at Saki. "It's been a long time... and I see you changed drastically while sealed. I didn't even realize you COULD become a youkai."

Saki stares at Miko and tilts her head. "Who are you?"

"...Ah, right. I'm too used to this body."

In order to prove her identity, Miko draws her personal sword, and turns it so that she's holding it hilt up. The design of the hilt is distinctive, and Saki stares at it for a minute. Then back up to Miko's face.


"That's right! The reincarnation of the legendary Prince Shotoku stands before you! Bow before her!" Futo yells, dramatically gesturing to Miko.

"Wait, what." Saki shakes her head and looks at Miko. "How the heck are YOU Shotoku? He looked a lot different! Like, he was a dude!"

"Yes, well..." Miko nods. "I changed my body when I returned several years ago. To be frank, I like this one much better." 

"...Prove it. Come over here and tell me something only Shotoku would know."

"Very well."

Miko walks over and carefully approaches Saki, who keeps an eye on her as Miko reaches her. Miko whispers something into Saki's ear, and she turns red, recoiling. "H-h-h-h-how do you-!?"

"I told you. Because I'm Shotoku."

At that, Saki stares at Miko for a second, before leaping on her.

"It really is yoooou! It's been too loooong! I've missed you, Prince- wait, should that be Princess?"

Struggling under the hug, Miko flails a bit. "Y-yes, no, Prince is fine!" 

Meanwhile, Futo glares at Saki. How dare she? How dare she just... show up and try to love the Prince THAT MUCH? In that moment, Futo resolves - she will have to outdo herself. She will need to do her best to prove that the Prince should respect her and tell Futo she's the best!

"Right! Prince!" Saki says, saluting. "Where are we going?"

"Well, I'll admit." Miko laughs a bit. "I didn't expect to resolve this so... easily. I was expecting a fight, maybe that you wouldn't believe me."

"Naaaah, you've proven it! Good enough for me, Prince!"

"For that reason, I'm staying in Agama this year. You and me and Futo - we have plenty of catching up to do, no?"

"Sounds like a plan, Prince!" "Of course, Prince!" 

And with that, the three of them start to head back towards Agama... Futo giving sharp looks to Saki the whole time.

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