Thursday, March 31, 2022



It had been a few years - four, now - since Blood Falcon had been arrested for his interference on the Battle of Norion. And while Weavel and the Federation Colonel had been killed, and Captain Arjard remanded to OSI custody, Blood Falcon had been locked up by the Galactic Federation. They had done him the courtesy of a trial, at least... guilty was assured, though.

And now he was here. A small prison, on a small moon, orbiting a lifeless planet that had been destroyed by the Space Pirates in their warfaring days. The irony was not lost on him. 

And so, time passed. He grew to knew others locked here, those who were imprisoned for direct interference with the Galactic Federation. Some even members of the conspiracy that had run within the Federation. Those members had the brightest eyes. They would often talk of the others who had not been caught - in quiet whispers, of course - and look forward to the day the conspiracy reclaimed its own.

But no one was coming for Blood Falcon. Black Shadow was dead, and Dark Million destroyed.

Which is why Blood Falcon had no idea how to react when the door opened, and a man in a Federation uniform stepped in. 

"Ah, Blood Falcon. It's been four years, now? I see you've been keeping yourself busy."

"Who in the hell are you?"

"Hmm. True, I stayed under the armor consistently."

The man brings a voice scrambler to his mouth.

"Does this sound more familiar?"

And it does. The voice comes back. One Blood Falcon had remembered hearing, when he'd gone through the files on Neo Dark Million.

"Sylux! What are-"

"Don't. Don't use that name here." 

Even outside of his armor, Sylux's speed with a weapon was enough to take anyone by surprise, as he points a gun at Blood Falcon.

"I've worked very hard to maintain access under this identity. I don't need you spoiling it. Not when I'm about to do you a favor."

"What kind of favor, huh?"

"Pretty simple, really. I'm springing you. Getting you free."

"And what's the catch?"

"Swift on the uptake, aren't you? We're going to meet a friend of mine after this. If he likes you, you'll help us. That's the favor."

"And if he doesn't?"

"I find a backwater planet with a hundred people on it, drop you there, and you can be a farmer or a miner or something. It's up to you. The alternative is that you stay in here and rot. 

So, what do you say?"

"...Tch. Not much of a choice."

Standing up, Blood Falcon follows behind Sylux.

"So, how'd you break in? I'd love to know for the future."

"The Federation's strongest prison? Wouldn't have a chance."

"Then how-"

"I didn't need to."

As Sylux and Blood Falcon pass a prison guard, the guard stops and salutes Sylux, who salutes back. This happens a couple more times, until they reach a door with a pair of armed guards next to it.

"Sir! Please present your identification, and allow for a retinal scan."


Sylux produces a card that Blood Falcon can't see, and then stands in front of a scanner. It makes a green light and beeps, and the guards nod.

"You are cleared to exit the cells, sir. Your accompaniment will need a frisk."

"Thank you, gentlemen."

Blood Falcon stands angrily as the guards pat him down, only the knowledge of freedom allowing him to hold his temper in. Soon, though, they let him through, and Sylux leads him out of the prison, and to an unassuming spaceship.

"Heh. Down on your luck?"

"The Delano 7 was destroyed by the Kobbers. I've been working on a replacement, but for now... this will do."

The two of them climb into Sylux's ship, and the latter suits up, into the infamous blue armor known throughout the galaxy at this point.

"Thereee we go. I missed wearing this... practically feel naked without it.

Now. We've got an appointment to keep."

The Mojave Desert was still a vast landscape. Without the Kobbers patrolling it, most of Nevada was empty, the perfect place to hide something. 

Still, Sylux had to admit, next to Kobber territory was a strange place to meet. Regardless, the man in purple had requested it, and Ebisuwaru was now meeting with Blood Falcon. They had hit it off, Ebisuwaru pleased to know Blood Falcon's dreams of revenge and recognition and identity were as strong as they are, and he had been gifted a high-level card.

As the light from the card fades, Blood Falcon stretches, truly feeling his freedom.

Blood Falcon
Black 7 of Engines
"Ha ha ha! I feel like I could take on the world! Now, I just need to rebuild the Blood Hawk..."

"If your card is any indication, I think you'll find that immensely easy. Though I must request you two be on your way now." Ebisuwaru says.

"Heh. Eager to get rid of us. Guess there's some big secret?"
"There is." says Sylux.
"Oh, and you know?"
"Enough to know we shouldn't interfere. We'll learn everything in due time."
"Thank you, Sylux." Ebisuwaru says fondly. "I knew you were the right call for an Ace."
Blue Ace of Stars
 Sylux turns to depart, Blood Falcon going with him, sticking with Sylux at least long enough to rebuild his beloved machine. As for Ebisuwaru, he climbs into a car for a peaceful, if hot, drive through the sands.
Soon, he arrives at his destination. The headquarters of Heideigger's militia. Where ex-members of the Kazanari Foundation worked side by side with those once of the Tojo Clan. Where employees of NBN collaborated with Society die-hards. Where the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel - or what was left - came together to create the force that would crush the Kobbers. Or at least that was the goal.
Their ultimate advantage in that goal loomed above them. Almost complete. Enough that Heidegger had considered it time to call all four Kings together.
"Sheesh, showy, isn't it?" Millaarc Cranstoun asks, holding an umbrella to block the sun's deadly rays. "Still, if it does half of what it did then, I don't think they'd have the slightest chance."
"Fascinating." The Curator gazes upon Heidegger's work. "When I first saw it, I doubted you could ever make it fly again. I truly underestimated you, and I apologize."

"Wahahahaha!" Gareth Heidegger laughs, the man practically drunk on his success. "I can't blame you one bit! You took a look at that scrapheap, you'd write it off! Took me the entire damn crew to get it up and running!"
"Still." Millaarc looks again. "Maybe we should rename it?"
"Hmmm." Dr. Ito ponders. "On the one hand, it would make it truly ours. On the other, I do like the concept of how they would react to the name. It would be amazing to see!" 
"Heh, I don't care either way." Heidegger shrugs. "Names ain't much to me. It's the work that counts!"
"Then it's decided." Ebisuwaru says, as he looks at the nameplate of the spaceship. Laying here in ruins for years, until the Cardholders had laid claim to it. And now... and now, it could fly again. And those who had abandoned it would truly regret doing so.
"We'll keep the name. I'm very interested to see how the Kobbers react when the skies fall dark, and they see the name ZFS King of Beasts."

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