Tuesday, March 1, 2022



"And in today's news, a miracle occurs in Olympia's hospitals once again! Doctor Kakashi Ito is seen here, having performed two heart transplants in one day. The difficulty of both procedures was considered to be extreme, and nobody would have blamed Dr. Ito if neither patient pulled through. Yet they're both responding positivity, and Olympia's local miracle doctor has pulled off yet another feat!

Now, in another story, despite the lack of gang wars in the Undercity, local residents should be aware that the rash of missing persons cases from two months ago has not yet been solved. Mayor Plague has vowed to do his best to find and help the-"

The nurse turns off the TV and jumps at the sight of the man walking around the corner. "A-ah, Dr. Ito! I wasn't tuning out!"

Dr. Ito raises a hand in a stilling gesture. "No, no, it's alright. I know, I know. Incredibly busy day, what with the media and all. I completely understand. Especially since Mayor Plague has requested a meeting."

"W-what? Why?!" 

"Well... it's incredibly awkward for the hospital. You'll understand if I don't share."

"Of course!" The nurse nods. As the hospital's head surgeon, the doctor had to think of everyone and everything in the hospital. Still, she couldn't help but ask around.

The rumors were everywhere. Rumors that the hospital was getting shut down for tax schemes. Rumors that there was a connection to the Curse. Rumors even that the Kobbers had filed a complaint! But the nurse still had no idea what the truth was...

Down in the morgue, Dr. Ito knocks a few times. The door opens to reveal a morgue doctor, with the nametag Dr. Mortensen. "Oooh, dear, what could bring you down here so early?" she asks of Dr. Ito.

"Yes, well... it's a bit awkward. It's the mayor."

"Which one, Deathborn or Plague?"

"Mayor Plague. It seems like he's found out about our connection to the missing persons cases."

"What?" Mortensen holds her head in her hand, grumbling. "Our supplies! You're not telling me we're just going to toss them out like that, are you?"

"I simply mean that as much as I would love to continue using their parts - oh, those green eyes were wonderful! - I think we need to be more... precautionary."

"Hmmm... fair, fair. But don't come crying to me when you can't get another heart in time for the next "miracle transplant"!" 

"I won't, I promise. Still, though." Walking over, the head doctor looks at one of the bodies. Finding this would answer many of Plague's questions... which is why he couldn't afford to let Plague ever find it.

"I do believe it's time I call that man back."

"You sure? We saw what the Kobbers got up to... well, just play it safe! And don't trust him. I don't, so you shouldn't!"

-MARCH 2022-

"I must say, I'm surprised my longshot paid off. But here you are!" Ebisuwaru says, leaning forward on his damaged desk.

"Yes, well. Your talk of dreams interests me. I've always been very sure of my dreams." Dr. Ito replies, a scalpel in his hand.

"Oh? Then tell me, your current side business - is it merely a means to an end?"

"Practice, my dear man! I have to keep my hands busy and my bank happy, after all. Eventually, I'll have all I need. Perhaps the Kobbers will be able to help, as well!" Looking at the desk and the scars on it, the doctor can see a pattern. It's so close in the making... just a couple more lines. 

"Very interesting. Aiming right to the top. I knew I chose well, Dr. Ito."

"...Must I remind you again? Not here. That name is a public name." And with his mind made up, the doctor begins to drag his scalpel along the desk. Not much. Just two simple lines. Enough to complete the pattern that he could see there.

"Right, of course. The work name. I apologize, Curator."

Another man with grand dreams. And one who could help the Cardholders in even more ways. Who better than to be the fourth king?

The Curator (Dr. Kakashi Ito)
Green King of Organs

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