Thursday, March 31, 2022



It had been a few years - four, now - since Blood Falcon had been arrested for his interference on the Battle of Norion. And while Weavel and the Federation Colonel had been killed, and Captain Arjard remanded to OSI custody, Blood Falcon had been locked up by the Galactic Federation. They had done him the courtesy of a trial, at least... guilty was assured, though.

And now he was here. A small prison, on a small moon, orbiting a lifeless planet that had been destroyed by the Space Pirates in their warfaring days. The irony was not lost on him. 

And so, time passed. He grew to knew others locked here, those who were imprisoned for direct interference with the Galactic Federation. Some even members of the conspiracy that had run within the Federation. Those members had the brightest eyes. They would often talk of the others who had not been caught - in quiet whispers, of course - and look forward to the day the conspiracy reclaimed its own.

But no one was coming for Blood Falcon. Black Shadow was dead, and Dark Million destroyed.

Which is why Blood Falcon had no idea how to react when the door opened, and a man in a Federation uniform stepped in. 

"Ah, Blood Falcon. It's been four years, now? I see you've been keeping yourself busy."

"Who in the hell are you?"

"Hmm. True, I stayed under the armor consistently."

The man brings a voice scrambler to his mouth.

"Does this sound more familiar?"

And it does. The voice comes back. One Blood Falcon had remembered hearing, when he'd gone through the files on Neo Dark Million.

"Sylux! What are-"

"Don't. Don't use that name here." 

Even outside of his armor, Sylux's speed with a weapon was enough to take anyone by surprise, as he points a gun at Blood Falcon.

"I've worked very hard to maintain access under this identity. I don't need you spoiling it. Not when I'm about to do you a favor."

"What kind of favor, huh?"

"Pretty simple, really. I'm springing you. Getting you free."

"And what's the catch?"

"Swift on the uptake, aren't you? We're going to meet a friend of mine after this. If he likes you, you'll help us. That's the favor."

"And if he doesn't?"

"I find a backwater planet with a hundred people on it, drop you there, and you can be a farmer or a miner or something. It's up to you. The alternative is that you stay in here and rot. 

So, what do you say?"

"...Tch. Not much of a choice."

Standing up, Blood Falcon follows behind Sylux.

"So, how'd you break in? I'd love to know for the future."

"The Federation's strongest prison? Wouldn't have a chance."

"Then how-"

"I didn't need to."

As Sylux and Blood Falcon pass a prison guard, the guard stops and salutes Sylux, who salutes back. This happens a couple more times, until they reach a door with a pair of armed guards next to it.

"Sir! Please present your identification, and allow for a retinal scan."


Sylux produces a card that Blood Falcon can't see, and then stands in front of a scanner. It makes a green light and beeps, and the guards nod.

"You are cleared to exit the cells, sir. Your accompaniment will need a frisk."

"Thank you, gentlemen."

Blood Falcon stands angrily as the guards pat him down, only the knowledge of freedom allowing him to hold his temper in. Soon, though, they let him through, and Sylux leads him out of the prison, and to an unassuming spaceship.

"Heh. Down on your luck?"

"The Delano 7 was destroyed by the Kobbers. I've been working on a replacement, but for now... this will do."

The two of them climb into Sylux's ship, and the latter suits up, into the infamous blue armor known throughout the galaxy at this point.

"Thereee we go. I missed wearing this... practically feel naked without it.

Now. We've got an appointment to keep."

The Mojave Desert was still a vast landscape. Without the Kobbers patrolling it, most of Nevada was empty, the perfect place to hide something. 

Still, Sylux had to admit, next to Kobber territory was a strange place to meet. Regardless, the man in purple had requested it, and Ebisuwaru was now meeting with Blood Falcon. They had hit it off, Ebisuwaru pleased to know Blood Falcon's dreams of revenge and recognition and identity were as strong as they are, and he had been gifted a high-level card.

As the light from the card fades, Blood Falcon stretches, truly feeling his freedom.

Blood Falcon
Black 7 of Engines
"Ha ha ha! I feel like I could take on the world! Now, I just need to rebuild the Blood Hawk..."

"If your card is any indication, I think you'll find that immensely easy. Though I must request you two be on your way now." Ebisuwaru says.

"Heh. Eager to get rid of us. Guess there's some big secret?"
"There is." says Sylux.
"Oh, and you know?"
"Enough to know we shouldn't interfere. We'll learn everything in due time."
"Thank you, Sylux." Ebisuwaru says fondly. "I knew you were the right call for an Ace."
Blue Ace of Stars
 Sylux turns to depart, Blood Falcon going with him, sticking with Sylux at least long enough to rebuild his beloved machine. As for Ebisuwaru, he climbs into a car for a peaceful, if hot, drive through the sands.
Soon, he arrives at his destination. The headquarters of Heideigger's militia. Where ex-members of the Kazanari Foundation worked side by side with those once of the Tojo Clan. Where employees of NBN collaborated with Society die-hards. Where the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel - or what was left - came together to create the force that would crush the Kobbers. Or at least that was the goal.
Their ultimate advantage in that goal loomed above them. Almost complete. Enough that Heidegger had considered it time to call all four Kings together.
"Sheesh, showy, isn't it?" Millaarc Cranstoun asks, holding an umbrella to block the sun's deadly rays. "Still, if it does half of what it did then, I don't think they'd have the slightest chance."
"Fascinating." The Curator gazes upon Heidegger's work. "When I first saw it, I doubted you could ever make it fly again. I truly underestimated you, and I apologize."

"Wahahahaha!" Gareth Heidegger laughs, the man practically drunk on his success. "I can't blame you one bit! You took a look at that scrapheap, you'd write it off! Took me the entire damn crew to get it up and running!"
"Still." Millaarc looks again. "Maybe we should rename it?"
"Hmmm." Dr. Ito ponders. "On the one hand, it would make it truly ours. On the other, I do like the concept of how they would react to the name. It would be amazing to see!" 
"Heh, I don't care either way." Heidegger shrugs. "Names ain't much to me. It's the work that counts!"
"Then it's decided." Ebisuwaru says, as he looks at the nameplate of the spaceship. Laying here in ruins for years, until the Cardholders had laid claim to it. And now... and now, it could fly again. And those who had abandoned it would truly regret doing so.
"We'll keep the name. I'm very interested to see how the Kobbers react when the skies fall dark, and they see the name ZFS King of Beasts."

Monday, March 28, 2022

Dining In



Emilia Lanterby looks up at the small restaurant in front of her. It was apparently a very local joint. Run by one person, and cooked by one person. She'd asked around about why it was so understaffed, and all she'd gotten was that only the owner was set for the nature of the restaurant. And that she'd better like syrup if she went there.

Well, she couldn't know her way around cuisine if she didn't get to the bottom of this. And so, Lanterby enters the door, and looks around. There's a woman behind the counter, who looks up in surprise.

"A customer! Hello. I'm Maple Sugar, and I'll be taking your order today.


Lanterby's staring is obvious, but... how could she not stare? The blobs of syrup in Maple's hair just... hang there, never actually becoming detached or falling. And for that matter, the hair... Lanterby can't tell where the hair begins or ends, and why it flows so seamlessly into the syrup.

But she has a job to do. Snapping herself back to reality, Lanterby sits at a small table. 

"I'll take the waffles with syrup, the maple milkshake, and the maple bacon poutine... I've gotta ask. Does all your food involve syrup?"

"The majority does, ma'am! That's my signature style. I'm surprised you came here without knowing that. Most people know what I can do and how I cook."

"Coulda fooled me. Most of them just told me to check it out for myself."

"Oh! They probably wanted you to be surprised by the live demonstration!"

"The what now?"

Lanterby looks on in confusion as Maple heads into the back and begins to work in the kitchen. While the food critic waits, and looks around at the small place - there was only room for a few people to sit, but this was an out of the way section of Cielito Lindo, making it very unlikely that anyone would stumble across it for tourism without knowing about it already. And a local area like Cielito Lindo would have people who understood waiting. 

Reading her menu a few other times, and mulling over the previous restaurant she'd eaten at - they hadn't even bothered to pay up when she asked for it, who did they think they were? - Lanterby is able to kill time well enough, until the proprietress emerges from the back, carrying a full tray. She sets it down, and as she unloads the dishes, Lanterby looks at them. The poutine looks reasonable, and the maple shake looks the right color... but her waffles are perfectly syrupless.

"There is a problem with my order." Lanterby says flatly. Maple, however, shakes her head.

"No, no, this is the unique part." Maple holds her hand over the waffles, letting her fingers hang down. All of a sudden, syrup begins to drip from Maple's fingers, the chef moving her hand to properly cover the waffle. It doesn't take more than twenty seconds for Lanterby to have a properly syrupy waffle, but she's still staring in confusion as Maple leaves to take up her post again.

Well. She's eaten weirder for the sake of her reviews. And Cielito Lindo probably wouldn't talk highly of it if the syrup being generated by a person was a problem. But... there were still a lot of questions Lanterby had.

For her part, Maple just works at her counter, taking another order that comes in, while occasionally checking to see if Lanterby is done. Once her plates are clear, Maple comes over to collect them. "How was everything?"

"I'll be frank." Lanterby drums her fingers on the table. "I'm Emilia Lanterby. Professional food critic. Maybe you've heard of me, maybe you haven't. Doesn't matter.

This wasn't bad. Acceptable. Heck, I'd even go so far as to call it good. 

But before I can publish any review, I need to ask you. What was with your hand?"

Maple, who'd tensed up during Lanterby's introduction, quickly unwinds at the positive reception. She's happy to explain. "I'm a syrupmancer, and I can create syrup."

"...That's it?"

"That's it."

"So you just use it for cooking?"

"I mean... why wouldn't I? It makes it easy. And I've always liked cooking, so I thought it'd be a good way to use my abilities. So I opened my own restaurant that I could use my abilities for."

"Hmm." Lanterby looks at Maple. Surprisingly open! Not exactly what Lanterby would have expected. Then again, it made sense. If magic and magitech were this commonplace, surely they'd just be normalized parts of society. 

Well. It would definitely be a hard sell when she made her future book, and perhaps future offers. Either way, though, this was definitely a place to keep in mind. Lanterby pulls out the money - an exact change, plus a generous tip thanks to actually passing her standards, and slams it down on the table.

"I'll be here again." is all she says as her parting words. And that was a commitment Emilia Lanterby intends to keep.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Meet the New Boss


At the seat of government of Isla Alfombra, the current president, Reynaldo Guadarrama, looks out the window and sighs. He wasn't one for getting sentimental, but the week of his brother's birthday always snuck up on him. Ten years on, and he still wasn't half the leader Ignazio had been.

Of course, if you'd asked most any citizen of Isla Alfombra, they would have told you Reynaldo was a wonderful leader. He'd won his re-election through skills and promises, not through trickery and fakery. Yet the doubts still plagued Reynaldo, the man even leaving Ignazio's portrait up in his office so that he could talk out his doubts.

"Ahhh... another complaint from our friendly Minister of Economics. Nothing I do will ever make him happy, will it? But that's part of the problem with promoting by skill. You would have known how to keep him in line, wouldn't you..."

Reynaldo sighs as he rolls his wheelchair back to his desk. If only he had known what sending Ignazio into space would have lead to. The Robot that had accompanied Ignazio had offered to help, but Reynaldo turned it down - he needed to become a leader in his own right to succeed him, rather than rely on the ghost of his brother. Still, sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if that was the right decision. There was so much, even on a small island in the north Caribbean. The military, the economy, the social services...

The presidente's musings are cut off by the sounds of gunshots. He starts to roll his chair, remembering the emergency procedure - but as he makes for the exit, the door swings open. They'd waited to open any fire until someone was right outside his office. A familiar face... with an unfamiliar one next to it.

"...General Castillo. Is this what I think it is?"

"Why, yes it is, Reynaldo."

General Castillo was one of the new men who had risen up the ranks after Ignazio's death. Reynaldo had never felt confident in his reading of people, so he'd ignored his gut yelling at him about Castillo and how untrustworthy he seemed. Now... well, small comforts. At least he knew to trust himself next time.

"A coup. And after I did so well in the last election."

"Oh, it's not about your popularity. I admire you, Reynaldo. You are truly a man of the people! But a man of the people is not what Isla Alfombra needs in the modern world. It needs a strong man."

"And you're strong enough."

"Not until now, no. I would have never risked this before! I knew I was not the man to lead, no matter my dreams... until I met a new friend of mine."

"Let me guess, the man standing next to you?"

The unfamiliar man laughs. "HAhahahaha! Is it true that someone in this region of the world really does not recognize me?"

"No," General Castillo shakes his head. "we simply have a mutual friend. This is the famed explorer, Matthieu Rivaleux."

"Greatest when it comes to the mysteries of the Americas!"

"...Tell me." Reynaldo cautiously asks. "What do you get out of helping Castillo?"

"HA! Wouldn't you like to know, so you can scoop me on it! No, no, no. This is between myself and the General." Rivaleux replies, laughing. General Castillo steps between the two, and three soldiers move into the room. Oddly, they all seem dazed... but they're still active, and they still have guns.

"Reynaldo, my friend. I certainly do not want to hurt you. I've avoided hurting as many of your guards as I could. The people love you, and I want to help the people. I'm not expecting you to endorse me yet, but please do come quietly."

Reynaldo looks around. Between Castillo, his soldiers, and Rivaleux, he knows when he's beaten for now. He puts his hands up, and Castillo brightens up.

"Excellent! Thank you very much. Soldiers! Make sure to treat Reynaldo with the best of care. Don't harm a hair on his head, you hear me?"

"Yes, sir!"

The soldiers escort Reynaldo out, while Castillo and Rivaleux remain. For a moment, Castillo just looks around the office. The chair, the desk, the papers.... everything, except the portrait of Ignazio, which he just ignores. Eventually, Rivaleux coughs.

"So, our end of the bargain..."

"Yes, yes, of course!" 

Grabbing a paper, Castillo begins to fill out his first official edict. He stamps it.

"As promised. You, and any associates you may have, now have exclusive rights to all archaeological investigations and studies on Isla Alfombra."

"Wonderful, wonderful! Helping you was absolutely worth it."

Rivaleux smiles. The man in purple had come through again! All it took was a man with a dream, and the secrets of Isla Alfombra were his to plunder. He knew enough to know that the island hid at least some of the clues to his true goal. Yet, Reynaldo's government had turned down his applications.

So, it was a simple matter of changing the island's government.

"I'll be off for now, General."

"General...? No, no." Castillo grins. "You mean my new title.

El Presidente!"

El Presidente (General Castillo)
Blue 8 of Edicts

Matthieu Rivaleux
Green Jack of Ruins

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Legacies Left Behind


"Weehhhhhh..." comes the annoyed noise from one Mononobe no Futo. The devoted follower of Miko Toyosatomimi, Futo had vowed long, long ago that no matter where the Prince went, she would follow. It was just that sometimes, it wasn't the most pleasant place to go.

Slicing another vine out of their way with a machete, Miko Toyosatomimi forces her way through the jungle. She wasn't really sure of the exact location of where she was going. It had been far too long since she'd actually been in Agama. She had completely forgotten it,one of the incidental details of her past life as Prince Shotoku that had drifted out of her mind upon her return.

And yet, seeing a report by Kennedy Wilson had provoked long buried memories. Now, all she could do was confront them in person, and hope that the one responsible wasn't too angry with her for how long she had forgot. Futo, on the other hand, just seemed excited... when not exhausted by jungle wading, that is.

"I know your horse is the coolest horse ever, but is she really worth it?"

"It's my responsibility. If she's running wild, then I need to calm her down. And considering the power of that kick, it's a genuine threat if I don't."

Before the two of them can take more time to think, there's a loud cracking noise. A tree flies overhead, crashing somewhere in the forest. Miko simply nods sagely. "I think we're in the right area."

"Then let's get ready for it, Prince!" Futo states, before leaping out in front of Miko to find a small clearing. It's not natural - that much is obvious from the stumps and the footprints on the ground. And within that clearing, turning around to face the two who enter the copse...

Saki Kurokoma, the legendary pegasus, stands there. She kicks at one of the stumps, delivering enough force to knock it into the sky as Futo confronts her.

"So, a challenger, huh? I've been waitin'! Nobody's come by yet. I was gettin' tired!"

"Ha-cha! Allow me to prove myself, Prince!"

"There's no need for that."

Walking forward, Miko looks at Saki. "It's been a long time... and I see you changed drastically while sealed. I didn't even realize you COULD become a youkai."

Saki stares at Miko and tilts her head. "Who are you?"

"...Ah, right. I'm too used to this body."

In order to prove her identity, Miko draws her personal sword, and turns it so that she's holding it hilt up. The design of the hilt is distinctive, and Saki stares at it for a minute. Then back up to Miko's face.


"That's right! The reincarnation of the legendary Prince Shotoku stands before you! Bow before her!" Futo yells, dramatically gesturing to Miko.

"Wait, what." Saki shakes her head and looks at Miko. "How the heck are YOU Shotoku? He looked a lot different! Like, he was a dude!"

"Yes, well..." Miko nods. "I changed my body when I returned several years ago. To be frank, I like this one much better." 

"...Prove it. Come over here and tell me something only Shotoku would know."

"Very well."

Miko walks over and carefully approaches Saki, who keeps an eye on her as Miko reaches her. Miko whispers something into Saki's ear, and she turns red, recoiling. "H-h-h-h-how do you-!?"

"I told you. Because I'm Shotoku."

At that, Saki stares at Miko for a second, before leaping on her.

"It really is yoooou! It's been too loooong! I've missed you, Prince- wait, should that be Princess?"

Struggling under the hug, Miko flails a bit. "Y-yes, no, Prince is fine!" 

Meanwhile, Futo glares at Saki. How dare she? How dare she just... show up and try to love the Prince THAT MUCH? In that moment, Futo resolves - she will have to outdo herself. She will need to do her best to prove that the Prince should respect her and tell Futo she's the best!

"Right! Prince!" Saki says, saluting. "Where are we going?"

"Well, I'll admit." Miko laughs a bit. "I didn't expect to resolve this so... easily. I was expecting a fight, maybe that you wouldn't believe me."

"Naaaah, you've proven it! Good enough for me, Prince!"

"For that reason, I'm staying in Agama this year. You and me and Futo - we have plenty of catching up to do, no?"

"Sounds like a plan, Prince!" "Of course, Prince!" 

And with that, the three of them start to head back towards Agama... Futo giving sharp looks to Saki the whole time.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022



"And in today's news, a miracle occurs in Olympia's hospitals once again! Doctor Kakashi Ito is seen here, having performed two heart transplants in one day. The difficulty of both procedures was considered to be extreme, and nobody would have blamed Dr. Ito if neither patient pulled through. Yet they're both responding positivity, and Olympia's local miracle doctor has pulled off yet another feat!

Now, in another story, despite the lack of gang wars in the Undercity, local residents should be aware that the rash of missing persons cases from two months ago has not yet been solved. Mayor Plague has vowed to do his best to find and help the-"

The nurse turns off the TV and jumps at the sight of the man walking around the corner. "A-ah, Dr. Ito! I wasn't tuning out!"

Dr. Ito raises a hand in a stilling gesture. "No, no, it's alright. I know, I know. Incredibly busy day, what with the media and all. I completely understand. Especially since Mayor Plague has requested a meeting."

"W-what? Why?!" 

"Well... it's incredibly awkward for the hospital. You'll understand if I don't share."

"Of course!" The nurse nods. As the hospital's head surgeon, the doctor had to think of everyone and everything in the hospital. Still, she couldn't help but ask around.

The rumors were everywhere. Rumors that the hospital was getting shut down for tax schemes. Rumors that there was a connection to the Curse. Rumors even that the Kobbers had filed a complaint! But the nurse still had no idea what the truth was...

Down in the morgue, Dr. Ito knocks a few times. The door opens to reveal a morgue doctor, with the nametag Dr. Mortensen. "Oooh, dear, what could bring you down here so early?" she asks of Dr. Ito.

"Yes, well... it's a bit awkward. It's the mayor."

"Which one, Deathborn or Plague?"

"Mayor Plague. It seems like he's found out about our connection to the missing persons cases."

"What?" Mortensen holds her head in her hand, grumbling. "Our supplies! You're not telling me we're just going to toss them out like that, are you?"

"I simply mean that as much as I would love to continue using their parts - oh, those green eyes were wonderful! - I think we need to be more... precautionary."

"Hmmm... fair, fair. But don't come crying to me when you can't get another heart in time for the next "miracle transplant"!" 

"I won't, I promise. Still, though." Walking over, the head doctor looks at one of the bodies. Finding this would answer many of Plague's questions... which is why he couldn't afford to let Plague ever find it.

"I do believe it's time I call that man back."

"You sure? We saw what the Kobbers got up to... well, just play it safe! And don't trust him. I don't, so you shouldn't!"

-MARCH 2022-

"I must say, I'm surprised my longshot paid off. But here you are!" Ebisuwaru says, leaning forward on his damaged desk.

"Yes, well. Your talk of dreams interests me. I've always been very sure of my dreams." Dr. Ito replies, a scalpel in his hand.

"Oh? Then tell me, your current side business - is it merely a means to an end?"

"Practice, my dear man! I have to keep my hands busy and my bank happy, after all. Eventually, I'll have all I need. Perhaps the Kobbers will be able to help, as well!" Looking at the desk and the scars on it, the doctor can see a pattern. It's so close in the making... just a couple more lines. 

"Very interesting. Aiming right to the top. I knew I chose well, Dr. Ito."

"...Must I remind you again? Not here. That name is a public name." And with his mind made up, the doctor begins to drag his scalpel along the desk. Not much. Just two simple lines. Enough to complete the pattern that he could see there.

"Right, of course. The work name. I apologize, Curator."

Another man with grand dreams. And one who could help the Cardholders in even more ways. Who better than to be the fourth king?

The Curator (Dr. Kakashi Ito)
Green King of Organs