Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Meeting

"Where is he, anyway? He can't keep me waiting forever."

In a mysterious room atop a tall building, eleven strange figures sat around one table. A diverse group, they had waited patiently for their missing ally. Now, though, it was wearing the patience of at least one of the attendees.

The well dressed man who had spoken made to rise, only to be cut off as an armored fist slammed down on the table. As the fist rose, a deep, dark voice came from the armor.

"Do not doubt the Commander. If he requested we wait here, then we should follow his orders."

"Well, I have far too many things to do. Besides, people will start asking questions if I'm gone too long. He can't just-"

The man's complaint is cut off as the door opens, another man stepping in. The militarily-garbed newcomer strides over to the table, taking a seat in one of the two empty chairs. A woman leaning back in her chair points at him, asking a question as she does so.

"Yo, boss! What took you so long? You set this up, and all!"

"Ye can't simply hold us all here in waiting. Me part of the plan is almost ready, and-"

Holding up a hand, the commander cuts off the muscle-bound speaker. He clears his throat, raising his voice in a tone of command.

"I am aware it was difficult to gather all of you here now. However, the Kobbers will begin to arrive soon, and after this meeting, we may be unable to confer like this again. I trust you all understand your parts of the plan?"

Sitting down, the well-dressed man grumbles under his breath, but nods. Murmurs of assent cross the table from the others present, but a man with wild hair speaks up instead of quietly agreeing.

"Are you certain that these allies you found us will be productive? Their plans and materials look excellent, but their reputation..."

"I am sure the good doctor is aware that it is my duty to assist in these alliances. If they try anything, I shall make sure to destroy them before they can carry out great damage."

Despite the assurance of his synthetically-voiced neighbor, the wild-haired man continued to fixate the commander with a strong, unflinching gaze. Before he could reply, a woman sitting across the table jumped in instead.

"Do you honestly believe that ragtag band would even pose a threat to us? With our combined powers, they would not even be a bump in the road. It is only the Kobbers we must be concerned about."

As the silent member of the group nodded in agreement, the commander raised his hand in command.

"They are in no position to combat us. They know as well as we do that this is their last chance, and we are their only hope for survival-"

A loud voice cuts him off.

"Talkin' about all these alliances... I ain't here for much, remember. All I want is to have a showdown with that bartender of theirs."

"Pfft, I don't even need one in particular! Just let me have a fight with any or all of them, and I'll be happy!"

Turning to address the two who had spoken, the commander waved them down. Despite their inability to see it, his expression never changed. Even wearing a mask, he felt compelled to remain neutral.

"You will get your battles, don't worry. I'll send you out first if that's what it takes."

All those at the table seemed placated, except for one. A sharp-faced man, he still had one more question to ask.

"Remind me. Why do you always wear that mask around us?"

The commander looked over his allies once more. The three who had provided resources to the group, and the two who had been helping from the beginning. Those who planned to work from behind the scenes, and those who simply wanted to charge into a fight. Someone with a personal grudge, and someone who felt only a duty to assist the plan.

And, of course, the empty thirteenth seat. That one was already in place, his final trump card if he needed it.

"It's a simple matter of insurance. For the Council to succeed against an opponent as great as the Kobbers, we will need every possible edge we can find. And this mask is simply my way of keeping the secrets I need to keep."

The Mastermind: Commander Bradley
Leader of the Council of Thirteen

"But it will be worth it, my friends. Together, the Council of Thirteen will become known as the ones who finally defeated the Kobbers at their own game!"

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