Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Samus's Return

Somewhere in space, Samus Aran was having a busy day. She had just gotten out of a meeting with members of the Galactic Federation military, who were noticeably difficult to persuade when it came to paying her for the upcoming trip back to Earth. Checking with her contacts proved that the corrupt Colonel and the conspiracy he was part of were staying clean after the knowledge she had, meaning something else was behind this.

But for now, Samus had someone on Earth to talk to. A few button presses bring up a video screen, the image being quickly filled by the face of Utsuho Reiuji.

"Hi, Samus! How's it going?"

"Hello, Utsuho. It's... well, it's busy and complicated. How about you?"

"Pretty great! It's been great living together with Pit after we got married! Like it doesn't feel that different but at the same time it does and either way it's super great!"

"Heh heh, that's nice to hear. Good to know everything's working out."

"Yep yep! ...So, come on, Samus? Why'd you call?"

"...It's like this. I told you about the Space Pirates surrendering to us, correct? Well, it turns out... that wasn't a trick, which is the real problem. A lot of the pirates were simply too beaten down to even want to fight anymore with all their command structure dead, and most of the rest went along with them when they realized the situation. However, a small group that we've dubbed the "Renegades" refused to accept what they saw as a dishonorable surrender, shot their way out of the other pirates' ranks, and escaped. On their way out, they hit a Federation space base and grabbed some DNA samples and blueprints. It's a real mess."

"Oh, geez, and I thought you were done with them... do you think they're headed for Earth or something?"

"I don't know. All the pirate bases are gone, the fleet was all they had left, so they don't have any places to retreat to. They obviously didn't say anything to the surrendering pirates, and they took us by enough surprise that we lost their signal quickly. So... now it's a big search."

"Well, there's a lot of people in the Federation group, right? You said it's a big military and all..."

"Yes, but most of them are busy with the main Space Pirates. Negotiations, settlement plans, paying for crimes and finding out who did what... it's a messy business. As of now, they can't spare many people, and those that they could are all busy searching in different areas from me."

"Oh... well, don't worry, Samus! You'll find them, I know you will! Because you're Samus and you're that good, I should know!"

"...Heh. Thanks for the confidence, Utsuho. Alright, I'll call you later. Tell Pit I said hi, will you?"

"Sure will! See you later, Samus!"

Turning off the video screen, Samus leans back in her gunship. It was time to start asking some more questions, in a few different places.


At the Dark Side of the Moon bar, Samus's gunship touches down, and the bounty hunter herself steps out. The last time she visited this bar, she had Dorcha Keral to help... but Dorcha was busy in California with environmental issues, Samus just had to hope she wasn't attacked by another four bounty hunters.

Last she'd heard, though, Samurai Goroh had gone to racing full time after being taken out. So that helped.

Stepping in and taking a seat at the counter, Samus waves the bartender over. Putting down some extra money, she leans in closely, asking an important question.

"Have the Space Pirates been in lately? Any of them?"

The bartender shakes her head, but a reptilian man sitting next to Samus gives a short scoff.

"Space Pirates? Space fools, more like it. They'll never succeed."

Samus looks over, noticing that the blue-skinned alien is already somewhat drunk. Buying an extra round for the two of them, she motions to him.

"I take it you've encountered them?"

"Oh, that I have. I used to be important, you know. Captain Arjard, of the Alxiotian defense forces! I led a whole troop, and was second to only my commander! But then this rock comes along and ruins everything, and I get drummed out of the military! If only Kilxanis hadn't died, then he would have-"

Samus elbows Arjard before she can get his entire life story.

"The Space Pirates. You were saying?"

"Oh. Oh, right! So I've been here most days lately, you see? But a couple days ago, a couple of those pirates show up in the bar! I'd heard about them, thought I could join, but they tell me no! Say they already have everything they need! You ever hear such ridiculous things? Turning down a military man like me! Bah!"

"Did they happen to say where they were going?"

"Yeah, one of them mentioned an "Earth" or something. I think I've heard of it, some kind of insane place. You wouldn't get me to go there, not for a million credits!"

But Arjard is left ranting to the bartender, as Samus has already left for GF Marine Headquarters.


Samus's arrival at the Marine Headquarters was no longer an exciting event, as she had been in and out several times recently. However, even those who were used to seeing the bounty hunter were surprised to see how fast she was running, charging down the hallways to the office of Lieutenant Anthony Higgs.

"Anthony! I've got it!"

Surprised, Anthony looks up from several forms.

"What happened, Samus? Something on the renegade pirates?"

"You know it! Apparently, they're heading to Earth - we'll be able to get the Kobbers to help us! Once you get the chance, put in the info to HQ, and..."

Samus trails off as she notices Anthony's gaze dropping to the papers, the awkward look still very evident on his face.

"Sorry, Samus. I got pulled off this. Command wants me to train this new elite unit. They've got this idea about putting together this special ops squad that actually works for them, and I'm meant to help train and lead them."

"What, do they not trust me? Even after all I did? ...Is it the Colonel?"

"Nah, he's quiet. I've kept my eye on him, he knows not to cause any trouble. It seems like Command in general just wants actual soldiers to handle this kind of thing. I'll see how long I can keep them from interfering, but I don't know that I'll be able to stop them for long."

"...Alright. Good luck, Anthony. I'm going, though. Even if they don't pay me, someone needs to stop these pirates. We're so close to finally ending all this, and I'm not letting it go to waste!"

"I understand, Samus. Don't worry, I believe in you. You'll handle this, whatever it takes."

With one final handshake, Samus and Anthony part ways. Anthony returns to the forms for the Federation's four-man initiative, while Samus heads back for her gunship.

It'll take some preparation, but after that? Straight to planet Earth.


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