Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Around The Cosmos

Many people associated with the King of Beasts celebrated Christmas, or something like it, in their own way. Whether you were a radioactive raven, a famous bounty hunter, a living rock, or even an ordinary human, you'd have your own take on the celebrations.


For Samus Aran, Christmas Eve was spent preparing for the drinking contest. Besides sipping a couple beverages and listening to that deliverywoman sing a song in her honor - which was nice, but did she really need a couple of those lyrics? - she had spent most of the afternoon in solitude, catching up on a couple of good books.

With Anthony Higgs rescued, Ridley apparently dead, and the lack of signs of Space Pirate movement, it was finally a nice and quiet time for the bounty hunter.

And that's why Samus Aran spent her Christmas Eve in bed with a book. One might have been forgiven for mistaking her for Gloria.


Out in space, a rocky patriot and the robotic assistant to a dead dictator had been travelling, of sorts.

"General, I believe we ran out of fuel two days ago. We are currently coasting with no way to correct our course."
"Don't worry, Robot! I'm sure the power of AMERICA will help us find the correct planet! Even though the planet of sand monsters and the planet of pod people were busts, we've only just started exploring this area! There are plenty of planets General Treister could have landed at!"
"If we do not change our course in approximately two minutes, we will crash into one of those planets."

Indeed, a strange green planet loomed directly ahead. With no way to change course, Cleft and the Robot were about to crash-land on it.

"Well, it's too late to turn back now! Let us charge forward like true American soldiers!"

As the shuttle began to heat up from the atmospheric friction, General Cleft remembered one more thing to say.

"Hey, Robot!"
"Yes, General?"
"Merry Christmas! Hohohoho!"
"Merry Christmas, General."


In the depths of the Earth, two people with three eyes each sat together in the main room, sharing the "radioactive" cocoa Ariel had given Utsuho.

"So... you sent that gift to your angel boyfriend, right?"
"!! H-H-how did you-"
"Well, considering it's the main thing you've been thinking about for the past hour..."

As Satori gave Utsuho a slight smirk, the blushing raven shifted slightly in her seat.

"Um... well, yeah, I sent it out a couple days ago..."
"Hmm, you sure it'll get there on time? That does seem cutting it a little close."
"Don't worry! The person I asked said they'd get it there by Christmas Day, and I believe them!"
"Haha, well, I trust you. I do hope he likes it."

The two of them sat together for a minute, one pondering an angel far away, and the other thinking about people close to home.

And then the door was kicked open by a woman with a horn on her head.

"HEY, SUNSHINE! And you too, three-eyes!"
"...What are you doing here, Yuugi?"
"Oy, you shouldn't be celebrating all alone! A real party need friends and booze! And I'm here to supply both of them!"

Yuugi pulled a bottle of wine from behind her back, and got to pouring glasses for both of the palace-dwellers - and for the various other underground residents who had been invited. Several hangers-on had shown up, and it wasn't long before the underground palace was a party of its own.

"You two, have a merry christmas! Or whatever you wanna call it, hahaha! *hic*"
"...Merry Christmas, Yuugi. As well as you, Utsuho."
"Merry Christmas! Yeah!"

Utsuho gazed out a window, reflecting on the year... and pondering just what a certain someone would think of the gift under his tree.

Outside a small town, the red mage Victor was setting up camp. Nearby was his summoned ice monster, Frostbite. The two of them had been exploring the lands near Orvance, as Victor searched out nearby magicians and Frostbite kept him down to earth.

"Ah, today is the festival of Ganav."
"And just what exactly is it?"
"Oh, it's a classic celebration in Agance. It celebrates the legendary warriors and their defeat of the Emperor of Fire, as he called himself, and is named for the leader of the warriors."
"Let me guess. I suppose that led to the country's founding or something."
"You would be correct, my icy friend. Agance was one of the countries that became its own nation after the Empire collapsed, and thus we celebrate our freedom and heritage. And part of this tradition is gift-giving!"

With that, Victor rummaged through one of his packs, and eventually dug out what appeared to be a crudely-made club, designed for unnatural and large hands.

"I am afraid I did not inherit my grandfather's ability to forge things, but I was able to attempt creation of a club. I hope it serves you well in battle."
"...I've been traveling with you for a couple months, and I still am no closer to understanding you. ...But I will accept this gift with gratitude."
"I am glad to hear it! Now, let us get some rest. I heard there is a teacher of magic dealing with natural forces in the town, and I wish to be well-rested for meeting him!"

As Victor lay down to sleep, and Frostbite leaned against a tree to rest, they both began to drift off.

"...Hey, have a happy, uh, Festival of Ganav or however you say it."

Unfortunately for Frostbite, Victor was already sound asleep. But if he had been able to see his face, he would have noticed the red mage slightly smile.


And in the ZFS Staff Cafeteria, Dr. G. Nerique and Tom Turbine sat at a table. Neither of them was doing anything special - despite being on a starship as famous as the ZFS, not much actually happened at Christmas.

"Place is quiet, isn't it."
"Well, those - what are they called again? The Kobbers? Well, they're the ones who always bring the action here. To be honest, I'm glad we get some time before they come back and inevitably drag all sorts of weird enemies along with them."
"True, but they make the place lively. It just doesn't feel the same without them, does it."
"I suppose you have a point there. As little as I ran into them, they were an interesting bunch."
"I've heard a few of them are here for a drinking contest. That'll be exciting, I bet."
"That'll just give me some work to do. I can't imagine all of them will fare very well, and I'm sure I'll have to treat a couple of them for alcoholism."
"Considering this batch... somehow I don't think you'll have to worry about their health too much."
"You know what? I think you've got a point there."

"Merry Christmas, Turbine."
"Same to you, doctor."

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