Monday, November 25, 2013

Utsuho Reiuji's Return

Utsuho Reiuji was bored.

It was as simple as that, really. Faceless' attack hadn't taken long to fix up, and with the engines running at a lower level due to the lack of passengers, she wasn't needed to charge them up anymore. But without anyone hanging around, there wasn't much to do in general.

So when a voice suddenly shouted "HEY THERE, SUNSHINE!" in the middle of her room, it was a bit of a surprise.

With an "Ack!", the startled raven fell on her face. Scrambling around, she saw an imposing horned woman, with a dish of booze and shackles on her wrists, standing right there in the middle of Utsuho's room. In fact, she looked just like a buff Gloria.

"...Yuugi? When did you get here? ...And how and why?"

"Why do you think, Sunshine? I'm here to pick you up! Satori's staying behind, your cat friend's busy, so they send me instead!"

"...That still doesn't quite answer how you got here, though..."

"Don't worry, I'll show you when we leave! You oughta pack first, though. I don't know whatall you want to take, after all!"

And so, Utsuho started packing on quite short notice. The necessities, the frivolities, and the mementos - Pit's ring and Ariel's presents - didn't take long at all, and soon enough the raven had a bag slung over her shoulder.

"Ready to go? Good, then let's get going!"

"How exactly are we - WAUGH!"

The purple gap in reality had been behind Yuugi for a while, but Okuu quite clearly hadn't been paying attention to it. Being pulled through it by a strong oni, however, made it much more apparent.

The two of them fell through the space between reality for a few seconds, before landing in the streets of a familiar city. A large, palatial building was visible beyond the city - the Palace of the Earth Spirits, Utsuho's home.

"Well, Sunshine, looks like this is where I get off. Drop by sometime, I'd love to see whatcha learned over the break!"

With a thump on the back hard enough to send Utsuho reeling, Yuugi disappeared into the streets of the ancient city. Okuu, after recovering from Yuugi's enthusiasm, winged her way forward towards a home she hadn't seen in six months.


Knocking at the palace's door brought someone to it rather quickly. That someone turned out to be a pink-haired girl with a third eye of her own, and one who brightened up in recognition at Utsuho's appearance.

"Hi, Lady Satori! Nice to see you again!"

"Ah, hello Utsuho. It's been a long time, hasn't it. Why don't you come inside?"

Utsuho took Satori's suggestion to heart, winging her way inside and sitting at a table. Satori followed leisurely, setting out some tea before sitting across from the raven girl.

"From what I can hear in your mind, you certainly had an exciting vacation. Fights, friendships, and... a white-winged boy?"

"Ah! I'll, um, get to that in a bit! Just gimme a minute to start!"

"Don't worry. Take all the time you need, I don't mind."

"Right, um, well... I spent a couple months just working in the engine rooms, so the best place to start would be when they announced this huge brawl that anyone could join, and I decided to jump into it..."

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