Saturday, April 6, 2019

The World Above The Clouds

Olympia. A gleaming, bright city, high in the sky. But what of the people who are there - or not there, as the case may be?


Kennedy Wilson's office was busy. But for a change, it wasn't his clutter. Instead, papers pile the desk, various coursework showing who exactly was in charge of the mess. He turns a corner, moves past a couple textbooks halfway off the edge of the table, and sees his apprentice working.

"Come on, come on - just 200 more words..."

"Cirral? Everything okay?"

"Yeah! Yeah boss, it is! I just need to finish this up! I'm so close..."

"When is graduation, anyhow?"

"June 7th! Everything needs to be done by June 7th! So unless you're hear to ask me about assignments, then I'm really really busy!"

"Well, actually, it is related to that. There's a few stories I've heard that lead me to believe we might have a very interesting story soon. Keep an eye out for gang activity, will you?"

"More articles! Good! Great!"

"...I'm going to be glad when you're done."


"Hmmm. How to be cool?"

That's the question Mononobe no Futo asks herself, standing in line for the next flight to Olympia. She looks left. She looks right, swaying a bit as she thinks. Pointing to someone, she yells out "You there! Tell me, how do I become cool?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Then you! Do you have suggestions?"

"Yeah, lady. Leave me alone."

"And you, ma'am?"

"Look, I just want to catch my flight..."

Futo nods sagely at the three responses. "I see, I see. The secrets of coolness are indeed harder to surmise than I thought. I knew inquiring into the Kobbers would be the right decision!"


"And I am proud to present the opening of the Olympia branch of the Trillion Starlights Institute-"

There's a click as the TV in Dr. Kalcyon's office turns off. It'd cost a bunch to reinforce everything so that his metal body didn't destroy it, but it was worth it. Trillion Starlights... the name was familiar to Kalcyon. It had been a long time, but maybe they had worked on him? All that time ago...

Bah. It wasn't relevant. Just another organization that chose to focus on the upper city, ignoring that a second city lived and thrived and needed help beneath their feet. Dr. Kalcyon casts them aside from his mind - he's got a job to do, providing the help down here that few others would.


"This won't work, Chiharu."

Kasumi's voice is clipped as she lays out the current company structure. Chiharu had printed it out after she finished putting it together, and one look at it had sent Kasumi right to her office. Laying it out, Kasumi points to various boxes as she grumbles.

"You as chief accountant, head of maintenance, AND human resources? Me in charge of legal, marketing, and sales!? I don't even KNOW marketing!"

"Well, it's just... we don't have many employees, and-"

"Stop. Stop right there. I know we like to keep the company to ourselves, but that isn't going to work anymore. Not if we're working with as small a force as we are now. Chiharu, we're going to need to hire people. Experienced people."

"But where do we start?"

"With not taking on all these extra jobs. I'll go ask around. See if any companies just laid off someone good. Our tech isn't magic-based - Olympia natives will be jumping at the chance to sign on.

We just need to see who bites first."


"Hnnngh..." Hibiki Tachibana's unfamiliarity with Olympia is presenting... a bit of a problem. Turning her phone 90 degrees again, she sighs and puts it back in her pocket. Hibiki hates to admit it, but she's lost. Well... maybe she can ask a local?

Looking around, one place jumps out at her - a small shop with a sign reading "KOSAKA BAKERY" on the front. Deciding that directions are better than pacing around uselessly, Hibiki enters, and is immediately hit full force with the sights and smells of all sorts of bread. Behind the counter, Honoka Kosaka looks up from some dough, orange ponytail dangling from the side of her head.

"Hello! Welcome to the Kosaka Bakery, how can I help you?"

"I just need some directions..." Looking around, Hibiki trails off as she looks at a bin of onion bread. "Is this all handmade?"

"Yep!" Gesturing to the dough, Honoka smiles brightly. "Everything here I made myself! Please, buy as much as you like, but no free samples!"

"Well..." Grabbing a basket, Hibiki begins to place some bread in it. "The boxing association won't be closing THAT soon..."


At the F-Zero race track on Olympia, a certain racer steps back to look over his car. Once a normal NASCAR vehicle, now converted into an F-Zero machine, it'd taken a lot of work to make it fit F-Zero. But now it was ready for its debut.

Astro Solaris knocks on the door of the Sun Charger vehicle once for luck, looking at the large 77 painted on the side... and suddenly falls forward, a powerful push applied to his back. Astro manages to catch his balance in time to avoid slamming into his F-Zero machine, and turns around to glare at the man behind him. The man shrugs.

"Sorry. I didn't see you there."

"...Right. Well."

Taking in the well-defined muscles of the man who pushed him, Astro decides some battles don't need to be fought.

"Just be more careful next time."

"Sure. Good luck out there."

Astro turns back to the Sun Charger, while the man walks over to his own machine. Done in an attention-grabbing orange, with a large 24 adorning both sides, the Wild Boar is currently being attended to by two mechanics. One of them looks up at the man's approach.

"Any luck with the new driver?"

"Yeah. He's a pipsqueak. He won't last long out there."

Michael Chain
Rank: Professional Driver
Codename: DIESEL

"Let me tell you, boys, this race is in the bag."

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