Monday, November 14, 2016

The Island

(This has nothing to do with ZFRP. It's just a piece of writing inspired by some of my past nightmares.)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Rejected Chaoacters, Volume 1

We've all had those characters, the ones that don't quite work out... or that get reinvented and work out differently. I've been reminded of this recently thanks to some comments, so I've decided to hop on the bandwagon and discuss a few of my own ideas that never quite made it off the ground. Some of these may appear in another context someday, while others might just lie here forever. Either way, I hope you enjoy taking a look!

Monday, October 24, 2016

About the Council of Thirteen

Well, it's all over! After only ever doing three non-dayplots, each of which averaged four to five events, I went ahead and did a huge plot with events all year instead! Unique villains, a new main character, so many events... and everything with the Council of Thirteen happened how it did, all because I decided I wanted to do a megaplot at the same time I played a particular game.

For this blogpost, I'm going to give a general overview of the inspiration behind the Council, before going into detail on each Council member. Then I'll talk about every event of the year (including Patchouli Plot, since I might as well talk about it too), and finally some miscellaneous stuff that didn't fit anywhere else. So first, time to explain just where the Council of Thirteen came from!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Samus's Return

Somewhere in space, Samus Aran was having a busy day. She had just gotten out of a meeting with members of the Galactic Federation military, who were noticeably difficult to persuade when it came to paying her for the upcoming trip back to Earth. Checking with her contacts proved that the corrupt Colonel and the conspiracy he was part of were staying clean after the knowledge she had, meaning something else was behind this.

But for now, Samus had someone on Earth to talk to. A few button presses bring up a video screen, the image being quickly filled by the face of Utsuho Reiuji.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Meeting

"Where is he, anyway? He can't keep me waiting forever."

In a mysterious room atop a tall building, eleven strange figures sat around one table. A diverse group, they had waited patiently for their missing ally. Now, though, it was wearing the patience of at least one of the attendees.

The well dressed man who had spoken made to rise, only to be cut off as an armored fist slammed down on the table. As the fist rose, a deep, dark voice came from the armor.

"Do not doubt the Commander. If he requested we wait here, then we should follow his orders."