Thursday, April 17, 2014

Meeting of the Generals

On the surface of the volcanic planet FYM-94, General Cleft hopped out of his spacecraft, followed shortly by Robot. While their previous adventure on the sand planet Artano had mostly fallen through, leading to a couple months spent in the repair bays of a nearby starbase, a chance remark had pointed them in the right direction. The General prepared for this search with his usual enthusiasm, but Robot seemed to be rather hesistant... as hesistant as an allegedly emotionless automaton could be, at least.

"Come on, Robot! Let's continue looking for General Treister!"
"General, I am not sure we will be able to locate Treister any time soon. This is the fifth planet we have investigated. Not only did the previous four fail to give us good information, we faced deadly situations on each of them. This leads me to conclude that we will face a deadly situation and be unable to locate the General on this planet, as well."
"Oh? And just what were those "deadly" situations again?"
"On STB-1973, we were nearly frozen by the ice monster, and would have remained frozen and failed to defeat it if not for the help of that nation's prince. On the planet of New Brazil, you angered the Jungle Lord, and we barely escaped his army in time."
"Bah, all I said was that New Brazil was a boring name compared to something like New America. I'm surprised he took so much offense."

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Utsuho's Heavenly Meeting

High above Gensokyo floats a set of islands, known as Bhava-Agra. Alternately known as Heaven, various immortals dwell there, looking down upon the world below.

And today, there was a very unexpected visitor.

"Uh, hi, I'm looking for Tenshi?"