Saturday, March 2, 2024



"Grab it, grab it!" comes the yell from an armored man as the lashing tail of a wyvern comes down towards him. The smaller cousin to a dragon might only be around ten feet from head to tail, but that's more than enough for most people to have a very hard time against it. Not that it's going to stop this particular fellow.

Laios Touden, the Cooking Knight, backs off as the wyvern takes notice of him again, only for it to suddenly get slammed right into the wall. The cave shakes a bit as the wyvern reels, looking at the one who did that.

"I said... back OFF!" Maple Sugar says, standing nearly on par with the wyvern as it slashes at her. One arm is still a gleaming brown, Maple bringing back her hand and extending it forward again. Anyone who'd met her in the past would be surprised at the syrup chef now standing around eight feet tall, but right now that size is what helps as the stretching syrup coils around the wyvern's back legs. Pulling it off its feet, Maple yanks it down as Laios comes in with a sword, slashing right at the front leg of the wyvern.

Before it can get up, now hobbled in three spots, another figure runs up on the wyvern's back.

"I told you! Food tastes best at the edge of life and death!" says the woman, Pierre, before bringing down her knives right into the wyvern's skull. They're clearly sharp and powerful, and with the relative size of it, it's easy for her to skewer the wyvern, the creature slumping dead in front of Laios. 

"Whew." the knight says, looking over the wyvern. He takes a minute to catch his breath, before rubbing his hands together, and then drawing his cooking tools.

"Let's eat!"

A couple hours later, the odd trio of chefs sits around the fire, Maple towering over the others. It had taken some time to finish butchering, but now, thanks to Laios's cooking work, they'd completed the wyvern steaks. Depending on the quality, Laios would either ask for help taking in and preserving the corpse, or leave it there - as much as he personally wanted to just eat every part of the monster, the Organization for Culinary and Gastronomic Advancement made it clear they'd reject anything that didn't fit the ethos of furthering cuisine.

As they start to dig in, Pierre quickly hurls a knife at Laios, before following up with a couple more, all of which he blocks with his pot in one hand as he continues to use his other to eat the steaks. She lunges at him, Maple watching as she eats her own food, Pierre trying to break Laios' guard before she swings under, aiming for his chest. Her knives bounce off the armor as Laios grabs the steak in his hand, forcing the rest of it into his mouth and down-

And as soon as he swallows, Pierre grins and takes a seat. "There you go! I hope you enjoyed it much more~"

"I wouldn't say that... ahahah." Laios says, as Maple watches, still concerned. She'd grown used to the strange habits of the OCGA chefs, including Pierre's tendency to attack people while they were eating, enough that she wasn't going to move in unless Laios was in real trouble... but it still made her uncomfortable to watch. Sometimes she was unsure about the OCGA, but as one of the newest members, rocking the boat made her uncomfortable.

As she finishes her meal, though, she thinks on it. If nothing else... the newfound confidence. The connections here.

Wasn't it worth putting up with the stranger behaviors?

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