Wednesday, March 8, 2023



The glitzy neon of Vegas had never dimmed since the Kobbers had left it full time. People came and went, the mark of the Kobbers still clear on the city and their actions memorialized, but Vegas had also moved on in some ways. It had been nearly a decade since the Kobbers had been the stars of the show, and new stars had risen. While the Kobbers had never been forgotten, and never would be, the specifics of their stories in Vegas were told less, now the stuff of dedicated Kobber museums capitalizing on their time in Vegas rather than the word on the street.

It's in the shadow of this that the man in yellow looks at his guests. 

"Gentleman. Laaaadies." 

The man, Jason Beck - though everyone knew him as Beck Gold - had a bit of a reputation around Las Vegas. He was a fixer, a recruiter, and generally a go-to guy for a certain class of people who preferred not to be associated with those actions. Beck also had some skills of his own that came in handy, though he preferred not to make a fuss out of those. 

It's the other man he invited who speaks up first.

"Hmmmm." Ryuji Goda, as he was named, looks Beck over. He doesn't say anything yet, stepping back and crossing his arms. "...You mentioned the Kobbers."

"Oh no. No way." says one of the three women. 

Zan Partizanne, the yellow-haired oldest of and leader of the Three Mage Sisters, stares at Beck with disbelief. "Nobody can defeat the Kobbers. You'd have to be blind or under a rock to miss the news after the One-Day War, as the papers called it. An entire army, and they lost!"

"But they put up a good fight, huh?" Ryuji says with a grin, before Beck raises a hand.

"Of course we can't beat the Kobbers. That's not what my benefactor wants."

"Benefactor..." says the blue-haired mage, Francisca. "So you're not doing this for yourself."

"Naaaah. They've got a lot riding on this, though. And you'll get to meet them once you've signed up! If you do."

"You still haven't answered, though." the red-haired mage Flamberge says, crossing her arms. "If you don't want to beat the Kobbers..."

"My benefactor wants to humiliate them. They don't need to be crushed, but knocked off their pedestal. It's not just spite, though - it's revenge."

"Revenge. That's a motive I can understand." Ryuji slowly says. "But revenge for what, huh?"

"For burying my benefactor's old saviors. Taking over their turf and then erasing their name. Nobody remembers them now, and my benefactor knows the Kobbers are to blame.

I don't think even you have heard of the Neo Kobbers, have you?"

"Can't say we have." Zan states, while Ryuji shakes his head.

"Exactly. They deserved better than to be a forgotten footnote in the history of the Kobbers.

Coming this spring, we will change all that. You, me, my benefactor, and with luck, a handful of others. This doesn't need to be a big operation, just a small group. One we can trust. 

So. Are you in?"

The Mage Sisters look at each other, while Ryuiji steps up with a low chuckle. "The way I see it... if this lets me take a swing at the Kobbers, I'm in. I've been retired for years, but when you have a chance to aim at the top, you take it.

They took down the Omi Alliance. Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima couldn't win their tournament. I have to see what it's like."

Ryuji shakes hands with Beck, while the Mage Sisters finish conferring. "...We'll take this. But you'll have to pay well."

"Of course, of course!" Beck grins widely. "Well, then allow me to welcome you! Welcome...

to the Neo Neo Kobbers."

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