Monday, March 20, 2023

Up North


To the north of Whalestrand Point looms a castle. The word is a bit of an exaggeration, as the building is more of a half ruined keep than a true castle, though the gothic silhouette still cuts a dramatic figure for anyone who's ventured north of the city, looming over the terrain. There were many rumors among newcomers to Whalestrand as to the inhabitants of that castle, though the truth was, only two actually dwelled within.

Right now, one of them slams his hands on a table.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023



The glitzy neon of Vegas had never dimmed since the Kobbers had left it full time. People came and went, the mark of the Kobbers still clear on the city and their actions memorialized, but Vegas had also moved on in some ways. It had been nearly a decade since the Kobbers had been the stars of the show, and new stars had risen. While the Kobbers had never been forgotten, and never would be, the specifics of their stories in Vegas were told less, now the stuff of dedicated Kobber museums capitalizing on their time in Vegas rather than the word on the street.

It's in the shadow of this that the man in yellow looks at his guests.