Thursday, April 29, 2021

Two Tales Told in Turn

Out among the stars, in a far-flung part of the Milky Way, one of the locations best situated for rapid hyperspace and subspace transit, is a large space station. The headquarters of the Space Police. The organization wasn't very large for what it wanted to do, the scale and scope of their jurisdiction far larger than the members of the Space Police themselves could ever handle. Usually, they worked with locals, providing needed assistance. 

Thanks to that, the Space Police had established connections with plenty of locations, and they'd sometimes receive new recruits. Nowhere near enough to keep up with the size of the galaxy, but enough to help them in their pursuit of cosmic justice. And for that reason, a new recruit was currently meeting one of the most well known Space Police officers.

"So, you're from...?"


Kotohime, liaison between the Space Police and the ZFPD, looks across the table at the excited woman in front of her.

"Zahra Sinclair, at your service! I even put together my outfit already! I know the Space Police don't have an official uniform code but I wanted to makes sure I looked the part! Do I?"

Kotohime looks over Zahra. "Well... I can't say you don't look official."

"Great! I was always told appearance is half the battle! Why don't you wear your uniform all the time?"


"What's it like actually hanging out with the Kobbers? That's been my dream for a long time!"

"Well, it's-"

"You have powers, right? Can you teach me!"

"Woah, slow down!" Kotohime awkwardly raises her hands, trying to put a stop to the endless stream of questions. "I'll answer, just... one at a time, okay?"

"...R-right, sorry."

"So you said you knew the Kobbers?"

"Yes! Well, knew OF them. When they first arrived for the Star Festival, it was fantastic! Everything they did, all the battles they had, the time I got to see them fighting firsthand, I wanted to talk to them so badly! But I never worked up the nerve to go to their bar, and then they left..."

Zahra slams her hands on the table. "So that's why I want to join the Space Police! I know they work with the Kobbers! This is my chance!"

Kotohime looks at the woman. The energy... the determination... even if it was in different directions, this reminded her a lot of herself. The eager young girl who had left behind a life of luxury and status to follow a "crazy chicken man" as her family called Chief Fowler, all because she believed in the cause.

"Right. We'll take you on. Probationary, but don't worry - your first assignment will be Earth."


Far away, in the city of Tokyo, a man waits in an office. Though his expression betrays no emotion, it's clear from his movements that he's on edge.

After being kept waiting an uncomfortably long time, a man in a suit opens a door and looks at him. <The chairman is ready.>

<Thanks.> Kazuma Kiryu replies, standing up.

The tall and muscular man had been in the yakuza for years now, under the Tojo Clan, but he'd only been here a few times. The previous chairman had sometimes called him in for discussion or assistance, but never the current chairman. And as it was only coming a day after Kiryu had broken up an drug running scheme on Tokyo's streets, only to learn it was approved by the Tojo, he could only assume the chairman's opinion would be negative.

Steeling himself, Kiryu walks in, standing in front of the desk. 

<Kiryu. Take a seat.> says the powerful-looking bald man behind the desk.

Futoshi Shimano, the current chairman of the Tojo Clan. He'd risen in the ranks by force and discipline, imposing his will on others. When the previous chairman died, Shimano and his allies - some by loyalty, some by fear, some by money - had made their move, installing him in the head spot. Shimano had never liked Kiryu, even when they first met. 

Kiryu's first reaction is an attempt to gain control of the situation. <Chairman, for my actions against the Tojo Clan recently. I humbly apologize. I am prepared to->

Shimano cuts him off. <None of that. You're not here for a punishment.> 


<I've got an assignment. One that only someone of your caliber can be trusted with. Kiryu, have you heard of Agama?>


That evening, at a batting cage in Tokyo, a different man takes out his frustration.

<What the hell is this shit, huh?>

Goro Majima slams another baseball into the back end, grunting as he does so. One of his subordinates is with him, the man - Nishida - gingerly stepping back to give his boss room with swing harder.

<Um, Majima, sir...> Nishida gulps. <It's an high honor, to be starting a new branch->

<It's getting him out of the way, is what it is!> Majima growls. <Listen, you know why Shimano's sticking him in the ass-end of the world? It ain't because the Tojo need a damn branch in this magic city nobody heard of before.

I get why we got the offices in New York and Hong Kong and one in that flying city. Lotta shit going on in places like those. Chairman putting a couple men just to have someone to talk to there? I think we don't need it, but it ain't my job to tell him no.

But get this.> Slamming the last ball, Majima points his bat at Nishida. <There's only one reason Shimano's making Kiryu do this. He wants Kiryu out of the way. Guy's got a sense of honor a mile wider than Shimano's ever was, and he and his whole gang of cronies wanna pull things a man like Kiryu wouldn't let fly. Can't kill him or fire him, though, they know half the clan looks up to him. Do that, and you get a Tojo civil war.>

Nishida, though he's still backed against the cage, nods along. <So when Shimano's telling him to do this new office...>

<You got it. It's a backwoods dead-end job. He wants Kiryu to spend the rest of his life rotting out there so he can run the Tojo like he wants.

And that's why I'm going to Agama too.>

Nishida's eyes bulge, Majima's subordinate sputtering. <You're just- you can't just->

<Why can't I? I can take care of myself, and you can take care of the family. You've done it before.>

<But- but but- we've gotten everything up and running! You can't just leave in the middle!>

<C'mon. You know what's more important than anything, right now?>

Leaning on his bat, Majima breaks into a grin that covers his face. Nishida sweats. Nothing good ever came of that grin.

<I gotta make sure Kiryu-chan doesn't get lonely without me!>


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