Thursday, April 29, 2021

Two Tales Told in Turn

Out among the stars, in a far-flung part of the Milky Way, one of the locations best situated for rapid hyperspace and subspace transit, is a large space station. The headquarters of the Space Police. The organization wasn't very large for what it wanted to do, the scale and scope of their jurisdiction far larger than the members of the Space Police themselves could ever handle. Usually, they worked with locals, providing needed assistance. 

Thanks to that, the Space Police had established connections with plenty of locations, and they'd sometimes receive new recruits. Nowhere near enough to keep up with the size of the galaxy, but enough to help them in their pursuit of cosmic justice. And for that reason, a new recruit was currently meeting one of the most well known Space Police officers.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The World's Greatest Kaiju (Part 3) (Collab with Draco)

 “So.” Kanade Amou stretches and looks around, the pendant still dangling around her neck, as she examines the massive temple that she’s arrived at with Suwako Moriya and Wriggle. “This is the place? It sure looks like the kind of place for it.”

Suwako ribbits out a laugh. “This is the place for it. It was built so that many of my kind could be in her at the same time in order to observe the ritual. It’s a lot less impressive when Gojira is here though, I assure you.”

Wriggle, currently a giant moth, fidgets a bit. “Are you sure we’re protected here, Lady Suwako? I, um, I feel a bit warm.”

The frog goddess scoffs. “Yes, I’m certain. Unlike your clan, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to interact with radioactive power and come up with magic counters to it. The goal at the time was, well, WE thought we were doing Gensokyo a favor, but other residents thought otherwise.”

“...Sounds like an experience.” Kanade raises her eyebrow. “I’ll have to ask for the full story later.” Looking up at the temple, Kanade nods. “Well… I’ll take your word for it. Though I won’t have to in a bit, will I?”

Suwako looked up as the ground trembled. “Nope. No more waiting! Brace yourself, my children, for here comes our guest of honor.”

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The World's Greatest Kaiju (Part 2) (Collab with Draco)

 Lessons on how to pilot the minisub took no more than a few hours, the controls simple enough that a child could do it. Kanade had basically been told to think of it like a flight simulator type of video game; the sub had been upgraded over the years and the onboard computers would handle most of the technical details of handling the sub as it dove deeper and deeper. After a rough start, Kanade had mastered the little vessel enough to keep it moving straight; assuming they didn’t need to flee from an enemy, Kanade would be able to handle it for this trip for sure.