Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Mixing Drinks and Changing Lives (Collaboration with Gooper Blooper)

"Here you go." Jill Stingray, head bartender of Valhalla, slides a drink over to one of her customers. They thank her and return to conversation with their companion, leaving Jill by her lonesome for now. She goes back to polishing a bottle, waiting for someone to need her services.The time sometimes seems to pass pretty slowly in Valhalla, and today's like that. Jill finds herself waiting for something to happen, but finally, the doors open. Someone enters - a young woman, looking around as blue-and-pink hair trails behind her head.

Jill hears the newcomer approach and looks up. She can vaguely place the girl's appearance, but doesn't remember ever serving her a drink. Perhaps they'd passed one another on the street? "Welcome to Valhalla. First time here?"

"No, not really. Well, first time actually visiting, not on the job, so... kind of?" As she sits down, Jill finally gets her first proper glimpse of the woman.

Brushing her long hair back and fiddling with her visor a bit, the woman takes a minute to look over the menu. "Moonblast. I like the sound of it."

As Jill mixes up a Moonblast, she thinks carefully about where she's seen this woman now that she's got that hint. She was here before, but on business? "One Moonblast." Jill says, serving the drink to the newcomer. "...Wait, now I remember. You've delivered food here to my boss a few times, right? You work for a takeout place."

"That's right." Looking at the moonblast with a small smile, the woman begins to sip it, making it last rather than bolting it down. "Ambrosia, the Greek restaurant. I'm their only delivery girl, but I'm off work tonight. I've been here a few times to bring dinner, so... I thought I'd see what the place was like when I didn't have to head back right away."

"Oh yeah, I've heard of them. Dana was telling me to check it out, but it's not something I can do off the cuff. Eating out is usually expensive unless it's a junky fast food joint." Jill's mind ponders for a moment. "Hmm. A restaurant like that offering takeout isn't something I hear about often, but it makes sense. A sit-down restaurant, not many people would go if they had no one to go with, you know? But if the place delivers, they can eat the food without the awkwardness of a table for one. You're the only delivery girl, so do you get swamped, or are you the only one because not many people order out?"

"...Heheheheheh." The small smile of hers gets bigger, but there's no mockery of Jill inherent in it - just a quiet pride. The woman swings one of her feet up, revealing a skate strapped to her foot. It's like no ordinary skate Jill has ever seen, because there's what looks like a rocket booster attached to the back of it, tiny machinery running across the entire length of the skates. "I'm the only one because they don't need anyone else. Did you ever compare when your boss ordered to when I arrived? ...Well, and they don't get that many orders because of price. But it'd still take two or three people if they were working at normal speeds."

"Oh!" Jill inspects the skates. She's not an expert with technology like this, but she can tell these are nice, quality rocket skates. "Well, that answers that. What a clever idea. If you drove a car or bike, you'd get stuck in traffic. Not with those, though." Jill goes back to polishing her glass, though she's still paying close attention to the newcomer. "So, what name should I address you by?"

The newcomer seems to mull over this question for a second. "Nova. It might sound weird, but it's my real name. What about you? Your boss put her name on the order, but I have no idea what you're called. It'd be rude to constantly call you "barkeep" when I was talking to you. At least, I think it would be."

"Call me Jill. Nice to meet you, Nova. And trust me, I've heard way weirder names. A lot of them belonging to... dogs." Jill suppresses a shudder. Bad memories. "How long have you been in Olympia?"

 "About... I want to say about a year now. I was interested in it, especially when I heard a couple pieces about everyone who was relocating here. There's a company I know about that was setting up shop here, and I want to know more about them. ...At least, that's why I came here in the first place. Olympia's just a nice place. I feel like I fit in here. I wasn't really good at that anywhere else, so... I like it here. I'm good at my job, it's just the right level of loud... there's a lot to like about this place, huh?" Nova suddenly blinks as she finishes the last of her moonblast. "Look at me. Talkative tonight. Can I get another?"

"Sure can." Jill starts mixing up a second Moonblast. "Trouble fitting in? I hear a lot about that. Olympia's a place like nowhere else on Earth. A lot of people who move here have done so hoping to totally change their lives. A fresh start in a strange new world. And that goes double now that the place is finally flying after a decade of delays. Not to mention the Kobbers showing up. This is going to be their bar of choice in four months."

At the mention of the Kobbers, Jill can see Nova tense up. "...So they are coming here. I'd heard rumors, but I'd filed them in the same nonsense category I heard about them. Like that Bigfoot is a member of their number, or that they reset time itself once. The ridiculous stuff, you know? ...Admittedly, there's a couple things I'd like to ask them, but... it could be awkward."

"Hah, ask the Kobbers stuff. Don't we all? Like them or hate them, they're such a strange bunch even for this city, and they've seen and done a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if either or both of those rumors are true, since it's near impossible to separate fact from fiction with them. It's like the stories about my boss taken up to eleven. ...But, awkward? What would be awkward about talking with the Kobbers? Do some of them know you or something?"

"Not personally. A few of them killed my older sister."

Nova pauses for a few seconds.

"...She had it coming, though. Or at least, she brought it on herself."

"...........Come again?"

"...It's a long story. She ran with a bad crowd, didn't back down when they kept losing to the Kobbers, and, well... Honestly, I didn't even know until I heard the news reports. Hadn't talked to her in years. ...Not to change the subject too fast, but how long have you been here?" Nova says, awkwardly.

"Yikes. So she wound up part of a faction that the Kobbers... kobbered. I, uh, dunno what to say to that one. Aside from 'my condolences', but it sounds like you weren't very close... A-anyway. Me? Uh, I've been a bartender here for about three years, but going further back... I actually moved here as soon as I could, about seven years ago. I wanted to get away from it all, and came here. ...You could say I didn't feel like I fit in anywhere else, heh."

"Yeah. Keep that under wraps for now, alright? I don't want that to taint things if I meet them... or when, really. It's hard to avoid the Kobbers when they come to town, and if that's what they know about... they might fixate on it." Looking impressed at Jill's reply, Nova's mood is recovering pretty well. "Also wow, that long? I'm impressed. I don't know many people who were here since that far back, a lot of the people I've met only moved in the past couple of years when things really started picking up."

"Don't worry about it. I'm a bartender. I hear people's confessions and secrets all the time. I never tell a soul. Yeah, I could flip the information and screw them over, but why would I? That'd give me a bad rep, and I'd eventually be out of a job. I like my job." Jill sighs, smiling a little wistfully when Nova comments on how long she's been here. "Yeah... I was a wide-eyed idealist. Twenty years old and absolutely convinced Olympia was going to be the center of an incredible new phase in human history. I wanted in on the ground floor of that. And... well, I guess maybe now it's finally happening? This city is changing fast. Still the same old high crime rate, though, especially down below."

"The undercity, huh? I've been down there a couple times. It's been... exciting. They don't mess with you if you can throw a kick, and a super-speed kick..." Nova smiles again. "It works out well."

"Good to hear you can take care of yourself. Oh, I had one more question, though - when you deliver food, how do you keep fancy dishes from getting all messed up?"

"Oh. I use well-designed boxes, is all. They're designed to make sure food stays separate, even if I'm going at high speed. ...Listen, I should probably get going soon. Hope I didn't take up too much of your time with conversation and not drinking."

"Nah, it's no trouble." Jill motions around the bar. Nova sees that, aside from the chatty couple that was here when she first arrived, the place is pretty dead. "There was a brief flurry of activity here around Christmas when word spread that we were going to be a new Kobber bar, but we're already back to normal. Did you know Valhalla was actually in danger of shutting down before we got the word ZF Corp wanted us? They saved this place. And my job, for that matter."

"Hey, that's good to hear." Nova looks around. "I like how this place feels, even if it is quiet. It's... a getaway, you know? It's a place to rest. I'm glad I finally came here." Pausing again, Nova seems to brace herself for a second. "If you need to look me up... it's Nova Solaris."

"Hey, glad to hear you like it. You've been a great customer. Solaris... like the race car driver, right?" Jill didn't really watch any sports, but she knew about Astro Solaris from a meme making the rounds on her favorite website, /dangeru/. "Ah... sorry, you probably get that a lot."

"Yeah. He's my dad, so it's not all that unexpected, but..." Nova sighs. "Between people knowing about my dad, and the Kobbers knowing about my sister, I don't want the two of them to overshadow me all the time. That's why I'd like to stay just "Nova" when I meet them."

"Oh, so you ARE related and not just coincidentally sharing the same name. I certainly can't blame you for that. I don't know what living in the shadow of fame... or infamy... in the family is like, but I'm sure it's not a good feeling." Jill nods. "Don't worry, I won't share that last name of yours with anyone without your say-so."

"It's... awkward, at times. I appreciate what Dad does, but it makes it a lot harder to do anything for myself without people taking notice. Honestly, I kind of wish he wasn't joining F-Zero when they come here... but he was so passionate about it, I couldn't just tell him no because I didn't want people to associate us. It's not that I'm ashamed of him, it's just... It's hard to explain, sorry. It's kind of a personal thing."

"No, no, I get what you're going for here. Believe me, the pressure to succeed in the face of a successful family... that can be suffocating. Why do you think I moved here as soon as I could? Like you, I wanted a fresh start in a strange new world. And hey - we both had to wait a while, but it looks like we're finally getting our wish, for better or worse."

"We sure are, huh?" Nova smiles again. "I really should be going, but... I'm going to come here again. When Dana hasn't placed an order, even. This was nice, and I'd like to do it again. I might even feel ready to meet the Kobbers if I talk to their bartender enough."

"That's the spirit." Jill gives Nova a small but friendly smile right back. "I think spending time with the Kobbers might do us both some good. Enjoy the rest of your night, and do come again."

"Thanks." As Nova places her cash on the counter and leaves, Jill will notice... that's a pretty good tip. Seems she's won over another loyal customer today.

Jill thumbs through the money and raises and eyebrow, smiling a bit. A few more tips like that, and she could... she could... she could order Greek takeout. Heh. Putting the money away, she starts cleaning the bar countertop as the chatty couple also takes their leave. Soon, the bar would close for the night, and Jill could head home, awaiting what tomorrow might bring.

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