Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Mixing Drinks and Changing Lives (Collaboration with Gooper Blooper)

"Here you go." Jill Stingray, head bartender of Valhalla, slides a drink over to one of her customers. They thank her and return to conversation with their companion, leaving Jill by her lonesome for now. She goes back to polishing a bottle, waiting for someone to need her services.The time sometimes seems to pass pretty slowly in Valhalla, and today's like that. Jill finds herself waiting for something to happen, but finally, the doors open. Someone enters - a young woman, looking around as blue-and-pink hair trails behind her head.

Jill hears the newcomer approach and looks up. She can vaguely place the girl's appearance, but doesn't remember ever serving her a drink. Perhaps they'd passed one another on the street? "Welcome to Valhalla. First time here?"

"No, not really. Well, first time actually visiting, not on the job, so... kind of?" As she sits down, Jill finally gets her first proper glimpse of the woman.