Thursday, February 8, 2018

New Cop On The Block

"We've got trouble."

That's all the warning James Pierce, leader of the Federation Force, receives. The next thing he knows, his ally and fellow Force member K.G. Misawa enters, holding up a datapad.

"Six spots on Bryyo. Six very distinct energy signatures. Fire, ice, electricity... you know what this means."

"...The hunters." James curses under his breath. "But why here? Why now?"

"Do I look like I know? All I know is, Anthony's scrambling the troops right now. Come on, let's get going."

With most of the Federation busy on the outskirts of the territory, spots in the middle of Federation territory were often left sparsely covered. The Federation Force was among the few groups assigned to a training exercise on the otherwise mostly-deserted Bryyo, and the four of them had been looking forward to a low-key assignment for a while now.

Of course, as Anthony Higgs was explaining to themselves and a few others, it was now a lot less low-key.

"We're going to split into six groups. Each group will follow one signature, and we'll engage on sight. I know we're going to be very small groups as a result, but we're all trained to work in small teams. Let's go!"

James, K.G., and three other soldiers made up one group, quickly going after the fire signature - that of the volcanic hunter Spire. It stood out effectively in the small, icy temples they detected him in, and it wasn't long before the Federation troops arrived at a massive statue of an ancient Bryyonian king. Spire stands atop it, looking over the land.

"They, too, vanished like mine did..." Spire ruminates to himself, before looking down and noticing James and his fellow troopers. He immediately aims the orange launcher he possesses at them. "Federation troopers? Retreat, now. I do not wish to endanger you, but my mission and orders are more important."

"What could you even want in this frozen wasteland?" K.G questions, but Spire merely shakes his head.

"I will not engage you in paltry conversation. Leave now, or we will fight."

"Marines!" James shouts. "Fire-"

Before they can properly aim, Spire fires three molten shots above them. With a loud crash, massive chunks of ice and rock begin to fall, landing around the Marines and burying them. K.G. launches a shield in time to avoid the group being buried, but they're still trapped within, except for James. The blue Federation Force member steps forward, aiming a missile at Spire, only to met with two more quick shots that blast him backwards and off his feet.

As Spire leaps down and angles to finish the job, there's a sudden yell.


Before Spire can react, a powerful energy blast strikes the ground next to him. He stumbles backwards, another blast catching him in one arm before he can react. As both James and Spire look up, the newcomer leaps down and lands in the snow next to the statue.

"Space Police Captain Phoenix, at your service," states the new man, holding an unfamiliar badge in front of both Spire and James Pierce. "I'm placing you under arrest, Spire, for conspiracy to commit murder, cooperation with an enemy agent-"

"...Who are you? And why are you interrupting my mission?"

"Soldier, I'm a member of the Space Police. This criminal is our jurisdiction."

"Well, I'm a member of the Galactic Federation Marines, and we've been chasing the Hunters for months now-"

"We don't have time for this, soldier. Stand down and allow me to apprehend this criminal."

Of course, Spire didn't just let them stand there and bicker, instead setting up for another ice collapse. However, before he can do it, Phoenix dashes forward and straight-arm punches him right in the rocky face, causing him to stagger back and lose his aim. Spire grimaces, as much as he can with his alien face.

"I wasn't bargaining for this... It's time to retreat."

Before Phoenix has time to grab him, Spire disappears with a VROP. Phoenix glares at the empty spot... while James, behind his helmet, glares at Phoenix. The Space Policeman simply begins to excavate the collapsed ice to rescue the other Federation marines.

"My apologies, soldiers. Had I arrived in time, we may have been able to capture Spire. However, I was driving off two of the other Hunters, Weavel and Sylux. They had defeated the troops sent to capture them, and forced me to engage in a two on one battle. I was able to force them to retreat, but I have yet to capture any of the Hunters... and only one remains on Bryyo. Tell me, who is your commanding officer?"

"Uh... Lieutenant Anthony Higgs."

"Excellent. I'll debrief with him afterwards."

Phoenix presses a couple buttons on his armor, and his boots suddenly emit a single, powerful blast of energy. The policeman is launched into the air, and he aims for the top of the statue. Once he's up there, he begins to run alongside several high pieces of statuary, leaping from one to the other with practiced ease. James and K.G. watch after him.

"...K.G., you ever heard of this guy?"
"Yeah, I have. Captain Phoenix is supposed to be the third-best officer in the entire Space Police, according to the rumors I hear flying around. But why's he after the Hunters? They're not THAT big a deal, are they?"

As the two of them watch Phoenix depart, they realize they're not getting any answers here, and thus fall back to regroup with the rest of the Federation Force. 

Eventually, the entire contingent of troops has met back up at the Federation's ship. Anthony Higgs is busy talking to Phoenix, and the latter turns to see the Federation troops arriving.

"Good to see you, soldiers. Let me thank you for your assistance, even if I was unable to capture any of the wanted criminals in the area."

"One question." K.G. asks. "Why is the Space Police interested in the Hunters? They're a Federation problem-"

"No they're not." Phoenix interrupts. "We can't go into details for safety, but the Space Police have reason to believe the Hunters are cooperating with a far greater threat. I've been assigned to monitor and pursue the case, and enlist any help I may need. Federation, independent... and even Kobber."

That's a word that gets the attention of all the Federation troops there. "The Kobbers? Really?" "But why would they need the Kobbers?" "What's even going on?"

"That is part of why I came here today. I'd like to request Federation cooperation in this mission. A small cadre of Federation soldiers, as well as myself, will head to Earth to recruit the Kobbers as our allies. Would any of you like to volunteer?"

There's some mulling and muttering among the troops, until finally K.G. steps up. "I'll go. I've worked with the Kobbers before I'll do it again."

"I'll join you." states Maurice Favreau, Federation Red. "I'm not ready to sit around and leave the action behind."

"Sign me up," requests Lyle Smithsonian, third member of the Force. "We can't let K.G. go alone, after all!"

"...Well, we can't split up the Federation Force." says James. "Alright, I'm in. Lieutenant-"

"Oh, I already agreed to go," Anthony tells him. "I'm all prepared."

"Excellent." Phoenix throws off a salute. "In that case, we shall create a formal alliance between the Federation and the Space Police. If my suspicions are true... I just hope that's enough."


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