Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Around The Cosmos

Many people associated with the King of Beasts celebrated Christmas, or something like it, in their own way. Whether you were a radioactive raven, a famous bounty hunter, a living rock, or even an ordinary human, you'd have your own take on the celebrations.


For Samus Aran, Christmas Eve was spent preparing for the drinking contest. Besides sipping a couple beverages and listening to that deliverywoman sing a song in her honor - which was nice, but did she really need a couple of those lyrics? - she had spent most of the afternoon in solitude, catching up on a couple of good books.

With Anthony Higgs rescued, Ridley apparently dead, and the lack of signs of Space Pirate movement, it was finally a nice and quiet time for the bounty hunter.

And that's why Samus Aran spent her Christmas Eve in bed with a book. One might have been forgiven for mistaking her for Gloria.