Friday, December 27, 2019

A Night On The Town (Collaboration with Hooded Pitohui)

Sitting in a booth in a Middle City restaurant, Elsa Kanzaki scans through a menu packed with dishes inspired by cuisine around the world. She'd never visited this particular establishment before, and she seems more intently focused, with her narrowed eyes flicking back and forth from right to left as she flies through each page, on finding a dish that catches her eye than she ought to be. Those around her can see easily that she's tuned out the world, though, given she'd had exchanged the puffy coat she'd walked in with for a less-toasty hood in the restroom before talking her seat, she had little reason to care about any nearby gawkers. Anyone who wanted to recognize her would have to get close, first, so she ignored the rest of the establishment without concern, wholly occupied with her peculiar mission. Her focus is taken away from the menu, however, when she catches sight of an approaching figure in her peripheral vision. With only a barely-audible snort of irritation at having her time cut short, Elsa lowers her menu to look over at Kanade Amou as the other idol settles into the seat across from her. She disguises her irritation well, but she nevertheless purses her lips, clearly not having expected Kanade to have arrived right at the agreed-upon time, before she could finish her preparations of this unorthodox battlefield.