Tuesday, April 3, 2018


It's less than a month before the Kobbers fully return to Kuwahawi, and their paths are already beginning to come together. What's in store for some of the people planning to visit the island this year?


"And... DONE!"

Nitori Kawashiro smiles as she holds up the completed contract. She slides it over to the old man sitting across the table, the haggling finally worked out. "So! Just sign here, and Kuwahawi Printers will now be backed by Kawashiro!"

"...Are you sure I have to rename it?"

"I mean, you don't have to, but think of the brand name's strength! Think of how well-respected the Kawashiro name is! Think of all the licensing revenue I'll make! ...Well, that last one is a side note."

The old man looks at Nitori with the air of someone who's been around the block too often to avoid seeing ulterior motives. "And technology isn't enough for you?"

"Well... of course it is! But imagine if there's another Azure Sea incident. We can't have Kawashiro wholly dependent on one sector. And you're a small-time business that was nearly bankrupted last year... not that that was intentional, but wouldn't the support of a much larger company be a help?"

The old man mulls it over. It's not an easy call, but ultimately, he makes the decision. Signing his name, he slides the contract back. Kuwahawi Printers was now Kawashiro Printers, just as Nitori hoped! Another step in her company's diversification, and with a month before her biggest customers come back... oh, there's plenty left for her to do!


"Okay, Kiibo! Quiz me!" Kaede Akamatsu practically bounces in her seat, looking at her mechanical friend. Kiibo checks down at the flashcards Kaede had written fro him - they're full of Kobber trivia and information Kaede wants to be tested on before she visits. She'll impress all the Kobbers!

"Alright. What was the first double KO in Big Bar Brawl history?"

"That's easy, Crunk Wizard and Saguaro PI! Although Saguaro PI just barely held on long enough to place higher!"

"Which two Kobber couples got married in the year 2015?"

"Sarah and Alex Triden, and Pit Angelos and Utsuho Reiuji!"

"How many Fites were held in the first year of the Kobbers?"

"Um... oh! Fifty-two!"

"No, actually, fifty-three."

"Wha- but I was sure- WAIT, the christmas special! Oh, how'd I forget that..." Kaede droops, her idiot hair slumping alongside her. Kiibo looks at her, and reaches out to pat her on the shoulder, trying to get Kaede's attention.

"Don't worry. With how well you're doing so far, I feel like the Kobbers will instantly recognize you're their biggest fan."

"You- you really think so?"

"Certainly! You know far more about them than any of the rest of us!"

"You're right! Alright, let's keep going. What's next?"

While Kiibo and Kaede continue Kaede's Kobber practice, Peko looks over Miu's shoulder at the invention Miu is currently tinkering with.

"I must ask. Do you have any plans to collaborate with the existing Kobber inventors?"

"Hyahyahyahya! Couple together with those chumps? Tch, not a chance! My genius doesn't need their lack of it dragging it down!"

"...You realize they will probably not appreciate that."

"Let 'em! They wanna cream themselves over their own glories, they can. Meanwhile, I'll be showing them progress from the outside! It'll hit 'em so fast they'll orgasm before they blink!"

"If you say so."

Inwardly, Peko knew that Miu had a lot more concerns meeting the Kobbers than she was letting on, but she just lets Miu talk herself up. They'd handle it in time. After all, the Kobbers were less than a month away.


"Destination set. Coordinates locked on for Norion, Kalandor System. Activating hyperspace jump in five... four..."

Samus listens to her ship as it completes the countdown and begins to jet through hyperspace, taking her across huge swaths of the galaxy in less time than it would take to fly to another planet in the same system. Getting the news about the Hunters' interest in Earth was unpleasant, but on some level, she relished the chance to meet with the Kobbers again. If there were old faces, it would be nice to catch up, and new faces would be a pleasure to meet.

Besides, the chance to run down the Hunters would be welcome. But first, she had to do some information gathering. Beaming down on Norion, Samus salutes the guard there, and walks towards the main complex. It was time to meet with some of the Space Pirates.


Sitting on a bench, Maria looks out over the waters of the Pearl River. Hong Kong was an impressive city, even more so when she was visiting it with one of her best friends! And yet, they had only been here for two weeks, and planned to leave in another week. Sure, Hong Kong was nice, but Sydney sounded promising!

Dolby wasn't around at the moment, currently off searching for various bootleg video games - not that Maria was going to judge - but Maria's lack of interest in that meant that she had some other plans. Trying food in Hong Kong had been exciting, and made Maria glad once again that she had no allergies, and visiting some of the historical sites had been fascinating, but once that was done, Dolby wanted to go bootleg hunting. Maria was glad to let her go off for a bit, as she just wanted to come and stare at the water for a bit.

With a couple clicks, Maria takes a couple pictures of herself in front of the water and the cityscape, before receiving a text from Dolby. It was time to grab dinner, and Maria was all too happy to suggest a place she hadn't tried before. This was by far the best way she could think of to spend her time until rejoining the Kobbers!


"Ah, what a beautiful island!"

Over on Spire Island, one of the many islands of the Kuwahawi Archipelago, the Chuckster admires the tall spire and the handful of trees and plants growing on the small part of the island not dominated by the massive and mysterious tower.

Then he turns around and heads to his boat. The quest to visit EVERY island in the archipelago was not an easy one, but he believed in himself!



Cirral slaps down the last couple words on her keyboard, watching with glee as they flash onto the computer. The first in a series of articles, documenting their time in Franzika! Sure, a lot of it would seem really weird if you didn't know exactly what they were talking about, but the two reporters had seen an absolutely fascinating and foreign city. What else could they do but report on it!

On the other hand, while Cirral is busy writing up the articles for the upcoming releases, Kennedy sits on the couch, deep in a phone conversation with the dean of Berkeley's journalism school.

"Yes, I know the Kobbers are dangerous to be around, but-"

"Look, I'll keep her safe. She was well-protected last year, wasn't she?"

"...What do you mean, it'll be bad for her learning? She's a journalist! She's going to be in dangerous situations at some point!"

"Yes, I'll make sure to give reports. Yes, I'll keep grading her. And giving her assignments. Is THAT enough? Good. Thank you, sir."

With a sigh, Kennedy hangs up. Sometimes, getting permission to let Cirral do things like spend six months with the Kobbers as part of her college degree could be a hassle. But with her enthusiasm for journalism and eagerness to learn, it was worth it to make sure the next generation of journalists would be there.


In the quiet depths of the Netherworld, sounds never traveled as far as normal. Perhaps this was a feature inherent to the place, or perhaps it was something imposed by its master, Yuyuko Saigyouji.

Either way, it means that even when a cherry blossom petal falls, and a sword is drawn from a sheath and cuts through the petal, the whole scenario sounds as quiet as a footfall in the dead of winter, one drowned by snow and a light touch. Youmu Konpaku looks down at the two halves of the petal, and reflects.

Failure had daunted her last year. A failure to make a mark in the Brawl, merely dying early and without any impressions left. A failure to protect the resort, only being able to participate marginally - a mere four battles, and only one in her chosen role! A failure to connect with others, keeping herself on the fringes of the Kobbers all years.

Yes, Youmu was truly a failure. But this year, that would all change.

This year, it was time to demonstrate the true strength of the Konpaku spirit.


On a golf course in Kuwahawi, the loud thwack of golf clubs hitting golf balls can be heard. Most of the golfers there right now were the normal type you'd expect - tourists hitting the tropical links. A few of them were natives who had taken up on the sport. But on one particular hole, a relatively bizarre combination can be seen, as a towering man hits a drive with enough force to land directly on the green.
"The two of you should quit already. You won't even have the energy to fight when we're at the tournament."

One of his two fellow golfers scoffs at this. A young-looking woman, her white uniform was glaringly out of place in the tropical weather, the sweat running down her face a clear indicator of the effects of wearing it. However, she refused to take it off, declaring that she wouldn't just look like any other golfer.

"That's rich. If I had my angle slightly better, your ball would be in the water right now."

"Really? Because from where I saw it, you were approximately twenty feet to the left. That is not slightly better."

"Now, now. Calm down."

The third member of the golfing group looked like he would have fit right in with the other golfers,  had he not been practicing with the two strangers. His Hawaiian shirt and choice of watch marked him as a pure tourist, although the air with which he played golf was bizarrely casual, one of a man who assumed he would win.

"There's no need to fight, is there? We're all here for the same thing: the Kobber Cup. Let's save the competition for when we're actually playing it. And I believe it's my turn to hit."

The other two simply roll their eyes. With his capabilities, he was coasting right into the tournament itself, and his attitude showed it. The way the ball flew dead-on accurate into the middle of the fairway only confirmed it.

"Another perfect shot! What are the odds?"

"Better than you actually have."


On a street corner in Las Vegas, a blonde woman in gaudy clothing watches out over the people there at the crowd. She yells out to them, signaling to the table set up in front of her and the other woman standing there.

"-Step right up, hurry hurry hurry! Test your luck against the ultimate master of games of chance, Jo'on Yorigami! And her sister."


"We have the greatest skills there are in Vegas! You can't beat us, but you're welcome to try! We will take any bets!"


"Between the two of us, we have a one-thousand game winning streak! Will YOU be the lucky person who-"


"What is it, Shion?"

Shion, the other woman, sighs. Her blue hair flickers and twists, its oddly flame-like consistency marking her as definitely abnormal. At least it was good for attracting attention in a place like Vegas.

"What about the deal we made? The one about Kuwahawi."

"That one? Trust me, sis, I've got it all worked out. We're gonna give them a couple months to settle in, and bam! Shake up the routine, fleece them for everything they've got, and flee the coop. We'll be made for months on end!"

"And we're not doing this now because...?"

"Because there aren't enough sheep there yet! You don't go out and get wool from one, you get it from three hundred. This'll make us rich, trust me! Have I ever steered you wrong?"


But despite that, Shion knew she couldn't leave her sister. So she starts waving, trying to attract attention. Maybe if they scam a few more people, they'll be able to afford staying in Vegas until Jo'on decides the time is right to leave it.


A viewscreen turns off. A message to the Hunters, completed. The strange figure commanding them smirks.

"Heh. And with that taken care of... everything is ready to start. Don't disappoint me, Kobbers."