Wednesday, April 26, 2017


It was a chore to carry everything she needed at once, but luckily, it wasn't far from the Senritsus to Kasumi's apartment. They lived right down the hallway from each other. Ultimately, Meiling decided on two trips; on the first, she deposited the groceries for that night's dinner on Kasumi's doorstep. Then she went back for her two gifts to Kasumi. She took a moment to put on her brightest smile before ringing the doorbell.

That's what greeted Kasumi when she opened the door: Meiling, beaming at her like Kasumi was the most glorious thing she'd ever beheld. That, and also the bouquet of flowers that Meiling held out to her. "Hey, beautiful, these are for you."

Kasumi opens the door, and Meiling gets to see that she's wearing a nice blouse and a nice skirt. She looks Meiling up and down as she takes the flowers, and quietly mutters a "thank you". Standing back, Kasumi holds the door open for Meiling to enter.

"Here's your Christmas present, too!" Meiling hands her a small box carefully wrapped in shiny paper. "You can open it after I've gotten dinner started!" So saying, Meiling grabs all the grocery bags and trundles inside towards Kasumi's kitchen.