Monday, October 21, 2013

The Story of RP Beginnings

So I've noticed I occasionally tend to ramble about my history in RPing, and the three or so places I RPed before then. Well, I've decided I shall ramble about them here instead so I no longer ramble in chatzy!

The first one, long along in the misty days of 2006, was an X-Naut themed RP. It was set on their moonbase from TTYD, and most people did OCs. I did not, because I was unoriginal! From what I remembered, I RPed Le Quack (from Courage), Plank (from EEE), General Guy, Anti Guy, Tutankoopa, some secret agent dude named Number 24, and of course General Admiral Mega Hyper Moon Cleft all at one time or another.

I don't even remember why I thought that full name was a good idea.

So, I... was a terrible roleplayer those seven years ago! I had literally no characterization - all of my characters acted the same and were pretty much mouthpieces. I'd never pay attention to other people's things, instead always doing my own in the middle of theirs. And I godmodded and ragequit like fuck. I remember some plot where I had a bomb placed on the station and was all "nope it was invincible" and then ragequit the forum (before crawling back a day later) when people took umbrage to that.

In retrospect, I'm surprised they put up with me as long as they did.

The forum died in like 2007 when it got wiped for a fresh start, but never recovered from being wiped. So the reboot died pretty quickly, it got wiped a couple more times, and now it's completely blank. What an end.

In an somewhat note, General Cleft ended up being used by someone else in their CYOA thing, and that's where he got his super-patriotic personality. A Legend Was Born. (the rest of my characters got ditched)

Time for RP #2. This one was set in a cereal factory in an established universe, so of course I was right at home! I had three guys with actual personality traits this time! Bean-Y (beanish guy, cynic), Cleft, and Corporal Guy (angry Shy Guy). There were two others but they never did anything/had any personality so forget them. My main RP issue this time wasn't a lack of personality traits, but complete reliance on them! Basically, they always acted cynical/american/angry in their posts, with no real character development beyond that.

That RP... is a little less memorable for some reason! Shrug. Anyhow, it went from early 2007 to early 2008, when it died because the host/megaplot runner (we had one megaplot, rather than having people run their own plots) became really inactive. So the moral of the story is adapt if people leave, I suppose!

RP #3, and probably pretty significant! This one was set in the "Yoshi Daycare", which was themed after the Chao Gardens (hero/neutral/dark) and so on. Pretty sure I dabbled in early 2006, back when it was on GameFAQs, but I didn't actually join and RP until like mid-2007. I was... still not very good, as most of my RP in the first stages was HA HA EVIL BAD GUY. I had a trio of Yoshis but forget them, they were unimportant compared to my villains. Probably because they were also one-notes (bookworm, swordsman, and "random". Seriously, that was his personality trait.)

The thing I always find kind of interesting was that at about the end of 2007 I got sort of a wake-up call (got chewed out by someone else), and it resulted in me shifting gears to more comedic RP, as opposed to RARGH EVIL BAD GUY. The big result of that was the main villain group I RPed, the Alliance of Evil (they were only five guys) going from Generic Bad Organization to consultants, deed-thieves, all-around loons, and their leader became a senator.

I think I like the latter version more.

Also, in retrospect, I remember plots had a maximum running time of two weeks (like, what we would term dayplots now) and it's surprising. Then again we had more people, an Aussie (so timezones), and no instant chat, so communication issues were probably the latter version.

That one petered out in the end of 2008, and I pretty much stopped RPing for a while. Tried writing, didn't get too far in that (although I still wanna finish my story sometime even if it's mostly for me, ahaha). Enjoyed reading ZFRP, but didn't think I'd ever get too involved in it!

Then Goops dragged me into joining the BBB3, and the rest is history.